中文名 | 中小型水轮发电机组启动试验规程 | 作 者 | 中华人民共和国水利部 |
根据水利技术标准制修计划安排,按照GB/T 1.1—2009《标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准的结构和编写》的要求,编制本标准。本标准共9章和1个附录,主要技术内容有总则,试运行条件,试运行前检查,充水及检查,机组空载试运行,机组并列及负荷试验,交接及验收等。
1 范围
2 规范性引用文件
3 总则
4 试运行条件
5 试运行前检查
5.1 厂房及变电站
5.2 机组输水系统
5.3 水轮机
5.4 水轮机调节系统
5.5 水轮发电机
5.6 励磁调节系统
5.7 附属设备系统
5.8 电气工程
5.9 通风消防系统
6 充水及检查
6.1 准备
6.2 尾水
6.3 压力管道和蜗壳
6.4 充水平压后的检查和调试
7 机组空载试运行
7.1 启动前准备
7.2 机械检查
7.3 带电试验
8 机组并列及负荷试验
8.1 并网
8.2 带负荷
8.3 甩负荷
8.4 72h带负荷连续试运行
9 交接及验收
附录A(资料性附录) 水轮发电机组甩负荷试验记录表格式
书 号 |
155170.286 |
计算机号 |
22-943 |
开 本 |
大16开 平装 |
字 数 |
38 千字 |
印 张 |
1.25 |
页 数 |
20 页 |
出版时间 |
第1版第1次印刷 |
出 版 社 |
定 价 |
16.00元 |
网上售价 |
14.40元 |
分 类 号 |
TV |
安装定额 有发电机安装的 定额子目项 可以直接套用的呀 。
1. 哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司(以下简称哈电机)2. 东方电气集团东方电机有限公司(以下简称东方电机)3. 广东鸿源机电股份有限公司(以下简称广东鸿源)4. 中国长江动力公司(集团)(以下简称长江动力...
《DL/T827-2002 灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组启动试验规程(英文版)》是根据国家经济贸易委员会电力司《关于确认1999年度电力行业标准制修订计划项目的通知》(电力[2000]22号文)的计划安排制定。
This standard is drafted according to the requirement of Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Planof Professional Standards in 1999 (Document No. 40,1999) issued by the State Economy and TradeCommission.
This standard is a revision one based on DL 507——1993 Start-up Test Code for Hydraulic-Turbine andGenerator Units (short for the original standard hereafter). The original standard is a summary of start-up testexperiences before 1990 in China. Compared with the original standard, this standard supplements andmodifies the program, items and requirements for start-up test of large and medium hydraulic-turbine andgenerator units with installed capacity 320MW which were put into service after 1991, including the contentsof start-up test for imported large units. Meanwhile, some new test contents are added in this standard,involving with supervisor system, governing system, excitation system, protection system for computer andhigh voltage distribution equipment.
This standard is applicable to the start-up test of turbine and generator for reversible pump storage unitssince many pumped storage power stations have been built and put into service, but the pump start-up test shallbe performed as GB/T 18482——2001 Start-up Test Code for Reversible Pump Storage Units.
This standard is not only the basis for the start-up test of hydraulic-turbine and generator units andelectric-mechanical equipment in the national electric power construction, but also the main assessing contentfor unit putting into operation and handing over.
Appendix A of this standard is informative.
This standard is proposed and explained by and under the jurisdiction of the Standardization TechnicalCommittee for Hydraulic Turbine Generator of the Sector of Electric Power.
Drafting organizations: Sinohydro Corporation, Sinohydro Bureau 4th Co. LTD and Gansu Electric PowerCorporation.
The main drafters: Fu Yuanchu, Ma Junling, Mu Guanhua, Ma Fuliang and Shi Hua.
Translated and examined by Sinohydro Corporation: Fu Yuanchu, Zong Dunfeng, Yao Jinshan, Liu Jing,Zhou Jingli, Chen Jiansu, Li Shisen, Jiang Shude, Wang Jinting, Hu Jianwei, Liu Yongdong and Li Jingshuang.2100433B