中文名 | 智能水凝胶功能材料 | 外文名 | Smart Hydrogel Functional Materials |
作 者 | 褚良银 谢锐 | 出版社 | 化学工业出版社 |
页 数 | 381 页 | 开 本 | 16 开 |
类 型 | 科技 | 出版日期 | 2014年1月1日 |
语 种 | 简体中文, 英语 | 品 牌 | 化学工业出版社 |
PartⅠ Thermo.responsiveHydrogeIFunctionaIMaterials
1Structure—Function Relationship ofThermo—responsive Hydrogels
1.2Effect oflnternal Microstructure on the Equilibrium Thermo—responsive Phase Transition
1.3Effect oflnternal Microstructure on the Dynamic Thermo—responsive Phase Transition
1.4Effect of Internal Microstructure on the Thermo—responsive Controlled—Release Characteristics
1.5 Effect oflnternal Microstructure on the MechanicalStrength of Thermo—responsive Hydrogels
1.6 Summary
2Preparation and Properties of Monodisperse Thermo—responsive Microgels
2.2Submicron—Sized Monodisperse Thermo—responsiveCore—Shell Hydrogel Microspheres Fabricated via Surfactant—Free Emulsion Polymerization
2.2.1 Preparation of P(NIPAM—co—St) Seeds
2.2.2Preparation of Core—Shell Microsphereswith PNIPAM Shell Layers
2.2.3 Monodispersity ofCore—Shell Microsphereswith P(NIPAM—co—St) Cores and PNIPAMShell Layers
2.2.4 Thermo—responsive Characteristicsof the Core—Shell Microspheres with PNIPAM Shell Layers
2.3 Positively Thermo—responsive Submicron—SizedMonodisperse Core—Shell Hydrogel Microspheres
2.3.1Preparation ofPositively Thermo—responsive Submicron—Sized Monodisperse Core—ShellHydrogelMicrospheres
2.3.2 Morphological Analyses of the Microspheres
2.3.3 Positively Thermosensitive Swelling Characteristics
2.4 Monodisperse Thermo—responsive HydrogelMicrospheres and Microcapsules Preparedvia Membrane Emulsification
2.4.1Strategies for Preparation ofMonodisperse PNIPAM Microspheres and Microcapsules via Membrane Emulsificatio
2.4.2Morphology of Prepared MonodispersePNIPAM Microspheres
2.4.3Morphology of Prepared Monodisperse PNIPAM Microcapsules
2.4.4 Effect of Freeze—Drying and RehydratingTreatment on the Thermo—responsiveCharacteristics of PNIPAM Microspheres
2.5 Monodisperse Thermo—responsive Hydrogel Microspheres and Microcapsules Fabricated with Microfluidics
2.5.1Microfluidic Fabrication ofMonodisperseThermo—responsive Microgels with TunableVolume—PhaseTran sitionKinetics
2.5.2 FabricationofMonodisperse Thermo—responsive Microgelsin a Microfluidic Chip
2.5.3Fabrication ofMonodisperse Microspheres with PNIPAM Core and Poly(2—HydroxyethylMethacrylate) (PHEMA) She
2.6 Summary
3 Flow and Aggregation Characteristics of Thermo—responsive Microgels During Phase Transition
3.1 Introduction
3.2Flo and Aggregation Characteristics of Thermo—responsive Spheres During the Phase Transition
3.2.1 Preparation of Monodisperse PNIPAMHydrogel Spheres
3.2.2Thermo—responsive Volume—Phase Transition Characteristics of PNIPAM Hydrogel Spheres
3.2.3 Flow Characteristics of PNIPAM HydrogelSpheres During the Phase Transitionin a Transparent Glass Pipe
3.3Flow Characteristics of Thermo—responsiveMicrospheres in Microchannel During the Phase Transition
3.3.1 Synthesis of Microspheres in a SimpleMicrofluidic Device
3.3.2 Flow Characteristics of PNIPAMMicrospheres in Horizontal Microchannel at Low Reynolds Number of Fluid
3.3.3 Effect of the Diameter Ratio of PNIPAMMicrosphere to Microchannel on the FlowCharacteristics
3.4 Effects of Microchannel Surface Property on FlowBehaviors of Thermo—responsive Microspheres During the Phase Tran sition
3.4.1 Modification of Inner Surface of Glass Microchannel
3.4.2 Characterization of Wettability and Roughness of Modified Glass Microchannels
3.4.3 Effects of Surface Wettability and Roughnessof Microchannel on the Average Velocity of Fluid in Microchannel
3.4.4 Effect of Surface Wettability and Roughness of Microchannel on Aggregation Behaviorsof PNIPAM Microspheres During the Phase Transition
3.4.5Effect of Surface Wettability of Microchannel on Flow Characteristics of PNIPAM Microspheres
3.4.6 Effect of Surface Roughness of Microchannel on Flow Characteristics of PNIPAM Microspheres
3.4.7 Flow Behaviors of PNIPAM Microspheresin Microchannel with Hydrophobicand Rough Surface During the Phase Transition
4Polyphenol—Induced Phase Transition of Thermoresponsive Hydrogels
4.1 Introduction
4.2Phase Transition Behaviors of PNIPAM MicrogelsInduced by Tannic Acid
4.2.1Preparationof MonodispersePNIPAM Microgels
4.2.2 Dynamic Isothermal Volume—Phase Transition of PNIPAM Microgels Induced by TA
4.2.3Equilibrium Isothermal Volume—PhaseTransition of PNIPAM Microgels Induced by TA
4.2.4Thermosensitive Phase Transition of PNIPAMMicrogels in TA Solutions
4.3 Phase Transition Behaviors of PNIPAM MicrogelsInduced by Ethyl Gallate
4.3.1 Preparation of PNIPAM Microspheres and Core—Shell PNIPAM Microcapsules
4.3.2 Thermo—responsive Phase Transition Behaviors of PNIPAM Microspheres in EG Solution
4.3.3The Intact—to—Broken TransformationBehaviors of Core—Shell PNIPAM Microcapsules in Aqueous Solutionwith Varying EG Concentration
4.4 Summary
5 Functional Membranes with Thermo—responsive Hydrogel Gates
5.2Functional Membranes with Thermo—responsive Hydrogel Gates Fabricated by Plasma—InducedPore—Filling Graft Polymerizatio
5.2.1Regulation of Response Temperatureof Thermo—responsive Membranes
5.2.2 Effect of Grafting Degree on the Thermo—responsive Gating Characteristics
5.2.3Gating Characteristics of Thermo—responsiveMembranes with Grafted Linearand Cross—linked Hydrogel Gates
5.2.4Membranes with NegativelyThermo—responsive Hydrogel Gates
5.2.5 Composite Thermo—responsive Membrane System
5.2.6Thermo—responsive Affinity Membrane
5.3Functional Membranes with Thermo—responsive Hydrogel Gates Fabricated by Atom—Transfer Radical Polymerization
5.4Functional Membranes with Thermo—responsive Hydrogel Gates Fabricated by Free—Radical Polymerization
6Functional Microcapsules with Thermo—responsiveHydrogel Shells
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Functional Microcapsules with GraftedThermo—responsive Hydrogel Chains in the Porous Membranes as Gates
6.3 Functional Microcapsules with Thermo—responsiveMicrogels in the Membranes as Gates
6.4Functional Microcapsules with Thermo—responsiveCross—linked Hydrogels as Membranes
PartⅡ pH—Responsive Hydrogel Functional Materials
PartⅢThermo—/pH—Dual—Responsive HydrogelFunctional Materials
PartⅣAlcohol—Responsive Hydrogel Functional Materials
PartⅤ Glucose—Responsive Hydrogel Functional Materials
PartⅥ Ion—Recognizable Hydrogel Functional Materials
PartⅦ Molecular—Recogruzable Hydrogel Functional Materials
综述了目前用于组织工程支架材料的水凝胶,包括胶原和明胶、透明质酸盐、海藻酸盐、琼脂糖和壳 聚糖等天然水凝胶,聚丙烯酸及其衍生物、聚氧化乙烯及其衍生共聚物、聚乙烯醇、聚磷腈和合成多肽等合成 水凝胶,并介绍了可注射性组织工程水凝胶。
近日,合肥工业大学化学与化工学院“黄山青年学者”从怀萍教授课题组与中国科学技术大学、德国马普学会胶体与界面研究所相关研究组合作,成功设计并研发了可快速高效自修复的高性能仿生智能纳米复合水凝胶,具有多功能、优异机械性能等特性,应用前景广阔。相关成果以《基于动态金-硫配位键构筑高强度,快速高效自修复纳米复合水凝胶》为题,于2017年10月12日发表在国际著名出版社--细胞出版社新推出的综合性化学期刊《化学》上(Chem 2017, 3(4), 691-705),论文的共同第一作者是青年教师秦海利博士和硕士研究生张坦。
来源 | 新闻文化网
微信编辑 | 李文浩
作为一种高吸水高保水材料,水凝胶被广泛用于多种领域,如:干旱地区的抗旱,在化妆品中的面膜、退热贴、镇痛贴、 农用薄膜、建筑中的结露防止剂、调湿剂、石油化工中的堵水调剂,原油或成品油的脱水,在矿业中的抑尘剂,食品中的保鲜剂、增稠剂,医疗中的药物载体等等。值得注意的是,不同的应用领域应该选用不同的高分子原料,以满足不同的需求。