


书    名 智能计算与应用 别    名 Progress in Intelligence Computation and Applications
出版社 武汉中国地质大学出版社 出版时间 2008年11月1日
页    数 370 页 开    本 16 开
装    帧 平装 ISBN 9787562523031
语    种 英语 尺    寸 29.2 x 21.8 x 2.6 cm

Section 1: Evolutionary Computation

Application of 2D Entropic Segmentation Method Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Evolution Algorithm and Shooting Method for Solving the Interplanetary Transfer Orbit in Multibody System

Research of PSO Parameters Based on Multi-Task Scheduling Problem

Exploration of Shortest Path Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm

Study on Application of Improved Genetic Algorithm in Bus Dispatching

Optimization of LEO Regional Coverage Satellite Constellation Via IBEA Algorithm

Design of Placement Algorithm with Fault-Tolerance Based on Dynamic Evolvement Arithmetic for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architecture

A Balancing Chemical Equation Approach with Evolution Strategy

Detection of Weak Signal Via Bistable Stochastic Resonance Combining with Genetic Algorithm

A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Well Placement Optimization

The Application of Improved Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithm in Earth-Mars Orbit Optimization

Section 2: Evolutionary Multi-Objective and Dynamic Optimization

Optimization for Multi-Join Queries of Relation Database Based on Ant Colony Algorithm

The Optimized Path Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Based on Adaptive Sliding Mode

Application of Topology Optimization Techniques to Frame Design of One Electrical Tractor

An Improved Regularity Model-Based Multi-Objective Estimation of Distribution Algorithm

Implement Tree-Based Genetic Operators in GEP

Based on Air Quality Prediction Study of Genetic Neural Network

Section 3: Neural Networks

Research on Neural Network Training Algorithm Based on PSO-Genetic Algorithm

An Application of BP Neural Networks Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Load Balancing in VOD Cluster

Applied Research of On-Line Handwriting Signature Verification in Electronic Document Security

Based on the PCA of Genetic Neural Network Prediction of Stock Index

Concrete Structure Integrity Appraisal Research Based on Infrared Image Formation

Research on the Application of Reduction Factor Method of Shear Strength for the Soil Nailing Wall in Deep Foundation Pit

Section 4: Classification and Recognition

An Outlier Detection Algorithm for Data Streams Based on Fuzzy Clustering

Logic-Based Linguistic Models with the Use of Fuzzy Granulation

Modeling and Fuzzy PID Controller Design for Pressure Control of Hydraulic System

Vehicle Target Tracking Method on FPDS

An Improved Genetic K-Means Algorithm for Spatial Clustering

Sub-Pixel Quantization by Applying Iterative Error Analysis Algorithm to Hyperion Data: Case Study of Northwest of Yun-Nan, China

The Research and Implementation of Spam E-mail Filtering Based on Improved Bayesian Algorithm

Face Feature Extraction Based on Maximum Discriminant Information Projection

Image Retrieval Based on Texture in DCT Compressed Domain

Face Recognition Based on Generalized Kernel Fisher Discriminant Vectors and BP Network Classifier

Simple Support Vector Machine with Invariance Features

An Improved Spectroface Algorithm Based on Cubic B-Spline Wavelet Transform and Multiple Subbands Fusion

Research on SVM-Based Automatic Classification of Chinese Web Page

Section 5: Bioinformatics and Bioengineering

A Sequence Alignment Algorithm Based on the Ant Colony Optimization Genetic Algorithm

A New Parallel Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem

An Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Anycast Routing with QoS Constraints

A Trust-Based Access Control Model in P2P Networks Using Ant Colony Optimization

Classifying EEG for Brain-Computer Interface Using Spatio-Temporal Filters

Multi-Join Query Optimization in Distributed Database Based on Genetic Algorithm

Image Matching Algorithm Summary

Section 6: Evolutionary Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Research on Classification of Data Mining Based Niche Genetic Algorithm

Research on Ensemble Multi-Instance Learning

Research on New Methods of Resource Equilibrium Optimization Based on Particle Swarm

Application of a Novel GEP in Function Finding

Review of Segmenting Algorithms for Streaming Time Series

An Empirical Study on Regression Algorithms

An Incremental Algorithm Based on Discernibility Matrix for Reducts of Incomplete Decision Tables

An Intelligent Model to Assist Medical Diagnosis Based on Tolerant Rough Sets

Extraction of Meta-Rules for RFID Mining Based on a Concept Hierarchy

Improving SVM for Learning Multi-Class Domains with Pareto Multi-Objective Optimization

Section 7: Intelligent GIS and Control

A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm to Solve Function Optimization

Research on BLDCM DTC with Simplified Structure

Application of Self-Adapt Fuzzy Control System in High-Speed Locomotive

Analysis, Evaluation and Control of Wheel-Legged Robot's Tumble Stability

Average Consensus in Networks of Multi-Agents with Both Markovian Jump Topology and Coupling Time-Delay

Research on Steady Distribution and Transient Distribution of Discrete Event System Based on Markov Model

A CA-Based Simulation Approach for Analyzing Urban Growth Management Strategies

An Improved Genetic-Fuzzy Algorithm and Its Application in Short-Term Load Forecasting

Research of E-Government Service Model Based on Spatial Information Workflow

Evaluation of Regional Ecological Risk of Land Use Landscape Pattern Based on GIS and RS

Section 8: Theory of Intelligent Computation

Optimized Research of Depth-First Search in the Eight Queens Problem

Researches on Detecting Driving Fatigue Based on Eye Features

Improvement of Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm and Application in Fuzzy Programming

Research and Analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

Random Walk for Image Segmentation or Pothole on Asphalt Road

Section 9: Combinational and Numerical Optimization

Section 10: Real-World Applications2100433B


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《智能计算与应用(英文版)》内容简介:The 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2008) will be held in the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan, China, on December 19-21, 2008 and followed the tradition already established by the last two ISICA conferences were held in Wuhan in 2005 and 2007. A major goal of ISICA is to bring together expers on intelligent computation from around the world, and to provide a leading international forum for the dissemination of original research results in intelligence computation, real-world application, algorithms, software and systems, and different applied disciplines with potential in intelligence computation. ISICA conferences are one of the first series of international conferences on computational intelligence that combines elements of learning, adaptation, evolution and fuzzy logic to create programs as alternative solutions to artificial intelligence. The proceedings of ISICA conferences have a number of unique features including uniqueness, newness, successfulness, and broadness. The proceedings of ISICA conferences have been accepted into the Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings (ISTP), while ISICA 2007 proceedings published by Springer have also been indexed by Engineering Information (EI).


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