1.Pour copper sulfate (the blue granules) over a copper electrode in a glass.
Fill it with distilled water.
Add a crow's-foot-zinc electrode, and short-circuit the battery for 24 hours to kick-start the battery reaction.
Connect to the device of your choice. Yields one volt.
People used to make a lot of things at home. They churned their own butter, cooked food without microwaves, and knitted pairs of socks. Some hundred years ago, people even made their own electricity: DIY batteries powered their doorbells and telegraphs.
Today, batteries meant for heavy use are rechargeable. But how do you get power when there is no grid"renewed," which meant replacing or replenishing their chemicals to give them new energy. You´d top them off with then-common general-store items like crow´s-foot zinc, blue vitriol, black oxide of manganese, and caustic soda. (The latter is still available in stores, but now it´s called Drano.)
One particularly photogenic type of battery was known as a "gravity cell," because gravity is what held it together. Typically used to power telephone and telegraph circuits, it consisted of a solution of blue vitriol (known these days as copper sulfate and sold in garden centers for pond treatment) on the bottom and a layer of zinc sulfate on top, kept separate only by their slightly different densities.
At the top, the electrode gives off zinc ions, while at the bottom, copper sulfate is reduced into copper metal. Together these complementary reactions produce just over one volt; string five batteries in series, and you get enough power to run a flashlight or charge an iPod. Any movement disturbs the delicate layers, ruining the battery, but if you´re careful, you can drop in new crystals of blue vitriol as needed, and the battery will run for years.
There is even talk of running electric cars on zinc-air or aluminum-air batteries. Like gravity cells, these types of batteries can be renewed instantly by dumping in more zinc or aluminum, rather than plugging them into a charger for hours on end-which should make for much shorter lines at the corner battery station.
硫酸铜溶液中: Cu 2 2e- == Cu
上层水中: 1. H2SO4 Zn== ZnSO4 H2 2.Zn - 2e- ==Zn 2
我给你吧 上维基百科啊 Central air conditioningCentral air conditioning, commonly referred to as central air (U...
swimming pool和你同事说的都对! natatorium n. 游泳场, 游泳池 natatorium n. (pl. natatoriums, -ria [-riE])室内游泳池
Li-Polymer Battery Production Process Profile 1. Mixing ? Mix solvent and bond separately with positive and negative active materials. Make into positive and negative pasty materials after stirring at high speed till uniformity. 2.Coating ? Coat metal foils uniformly with the made-up pasty materials on two sides. Then make sheets dry. 3.Cutting ? Cut a roll of positive and negative sheet
压力容器图纸中英文对照资料 (翻译人士必备 ) 名称 designation 管箱 channel 螺柱 bolts 螺母 nuts 带肩螺柱 shoulderedtap bolt 缠绕垫 wound pad 管束 bundle 垫片 wound pad 法兰 flange 短节 short shell 斜锥壳 oblique coneshell 管口材料表 nozzlematerial table 管束支撑 bundle support 筒体 shell 封头 head 人孔 manhole 挡板 baffle 鞍座 saddle 铭牌 nameplate 接地板 earth lug 支座 saddle 滑道 slide 进口支配器 import distributor 符号 mark 公称尺寸 nominal size 公称压力 nominal pressure 法兰标准 STD. O
物体由于地球的吸引而受到的力叫重力 。重力的施力物体是地心。重力的方向总是竖直向下。物体受到的重力的大小跟物体的质量成正比,计算公式是:G=mg,g为比例系数,重力大小约为9.8N/kg,重力随着纬度大小改变而改变,表示质量为1kg的物体受到的重力为9.8N。重力作用在物体上的作用点叫重心。
反重力铸造(Counter—Gravity Casting,CGC)是20世纪50年代发展起来的一种铸件成形工艺.是帕斯卡原理在铸造生产中的应用。就其工艺而言,它是介于压力铸造和重力铸造之间的一种液态成形方法。合金液充填铸型的驱动力与重力方向相反,合金液沿与重力相反方向流动。与重力铸造相比,反重力铸造液态成形过程中熔体的流态可控,可以通过外力的作用来增强凝固补缩能力,因此,这种工艺方法可以做到液态充型平稳,铸件组织致密,铸造缺陷能够得到有效控制,是生产优质铸件的优选方法。
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