《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017-2003中华人民共和国国家标准)》本规范内容包括:术语和符号、基本设计规定、受弯构件的计算、疲劳计算、构造要求、塑性设计、钢管结构、钢与混凝土组合梁等11部分。 2100433B
General principles,Terms and symbols,Basic design stipulations,Calculation of flexural members,Calculation of axially loaded members and members subjected to combined axial load and bending
1 General principles
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic design stipulations
3.1 Design principles
3.2 Load and calculation of load effects
3.3 Material selection
3.4 Design indices
3.5 Provisions for deformation of structures and structural members
4 Calculation of flexural members
4.1 Strength
4.2 Overall stability
4.3 Local stability
4.4 Calculation of built-up girder with webs taking accout of post-buckling strength
5 Calculation of axially loaded members and members subjected to combined axial load and bending
5.1 Axially loaded members
5.2 Members subjected to combined axial load and bending
5.3 Effective length andallowable slenderness ratio
5.4 Local stability of compression members
6 Fatigue calculation
6.1 General stipulations
6.2Fatigue calculation
7 Calculation of connections
7.1 Welded connection
7.2 Fastener connection
7.3 Flange connection of built-up I-section
7.4 Beam-to-column rigid connection
7.5 Calculation of connected plates at joints
7.6 Supports
8 Detailing requirements
8.1 General stipulations
8.2 Welded connection
8.3 Bolted riveted connections
8.4 Structural members
8.5 Requirements for crane girders and crane trusses
8.6 Large span roof structures
8.7 Requirements for preventing brittle fracture under low temperature
8.8 Fabrication, transportation and erection
8.9 Protection and heat insulation
9 Plastic design
9.1 General stipulations
9.2 Calculation of members
9.3 Allowable slenderness ratio and detailing requirements
10 Steel tubular tructures
10.1 General stipulations
10.2 Detailiing requirements
10.3 Capacity of members and joints
11 Composite steel and concrete beams
11.1 General stipulations
11.2 Design of compolite beams
11.3 Calculation of shear connectors
11.4 Calculation of deflection
11.5 Detailing requirements
Appendix A Allowable deflection of structures of structural members
Appendix B Overall stability factor of beams
Appendix C Stability factor of axial compression memebers
Appendix D Effective length factor for columns
Appendix E Classification of memebers and connections for fatigue calculation
Appendix F Stability calculation of truss gusset plate subject to compressive force of the diagonalweb member
Explanation of wording in this Code
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1 / 36 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB PGB×××× —××× 消防应急照明和疏散指示系统技术规范 Code for Fire emergency lighting system (征求意见稿) 200×-××-××发布 200×-××-××实施 中华人民共和国建设部 联合发布 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中华人民共和国国家标准 2 / 36 消防应急照明和疏散指示系统技术规范 Code for Fire emergency lighting system GBXXXXX--XX 主编部门:中华人民共和国公安部 批准部门:中华人民共和国建设部 施行日期:二 00X 年 X 月 X 日 中 国 计 划 出 版 社 200X 北 京 目 次 3 / 36 1 总则 4b5E2RGbCAP 2 术语 5p1EanqFDPw 3 场所划分及照度要求 7DXDiTa9E3d 4
本手册是《新编钢结构设计手册》、《钢结构数据速查手册》的配套用书,编写本手册的目的是为了让钢结构设计人员能够更全面地掌握GB50017-2003《钢结构设计规范》与修订前的GBJ17-1988的区别之处,从而为广大技术人员提供方便。 本手册共分上下两篇,上篇新旧钢结构设计规范对照主要介绍新旧规范的条文并详细讲解区别之处及修改的依据;下篇钢结构设计规范应用——设计实例则通过典型的习题来分析对比新旧钢结构设计规范的不同之处,通过实际的计算让广大技术人员更容易理解新旧钢结构设计规范在设计中的区别。 本手册内容全面实用,是从事钢结构设计、施工及质量验收工作的工程技术人员的必备参考书。2100433B
作 者: 崔佳 编 萧正辉 译
版 次: 1
页 数: 346
装 帧: 平装
开 本: 16开
所属分类: 图书>建筑>标准和规范