Chapter 1 Rock mass strength
1.1 Rockmass classification systems
1.2 Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion
1.3 Strength anisotropy and size
1.4 Generalised Hoek Brown failure criterion
Chapter 2 Rock engineering design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Data collection, data uncertainty and data variability
2.3 Factor of safety and probability of failure
Chapter 3 Rock excavation methods
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drill & blast
3.3 Blasting damage in rock
3.4 Mechanical excavation in rock
Chapter 4 Rock excavation and support
4.1 Bolts,dowels and cables
4.2 Shotcrete
4.3 Support design
Chapter 5 Rock engineering design
5.1 Structurally-controlled instability
5.2 Stress analysis & underground openings
Chapter 6 Rock mechanics design (underground)
6.1 Pillar supported mining methods
6.2 Longwall mining
6.3 Stope stability & the stability graph method
Chapter 1 Rock mass strength
1.1 Rockmass classification systems
1.2 Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion
1.3 Strength anisotropy and size
1.4 Generalised Hoek Brown failure criterion
Chapter 2 Rock engineering design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Data collection, data uncertainty and data variability
2.3 Factor of safety and probability of failure
Chapter 3 Rock excavation methods
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Drill & blast
3.3 Blasting damage in rock
3.4 Mechanical excavation in rock
Chapter 4 Rock excavation and support
4.1 Bolts,dowels and cables
4.2 Shotcrete
4.3 Support design
Chapter 5 Rock engineering design
5.1 Structurally-controlled instability
5.2 Stress analysis & underground openings
Chapter 6 Rock mechanics design (underground)
6.1 Pillar supported mining methods
6.2 Longwal] mining
6.3 Stope stability & the stability graph method2100433B
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