中文名称 | 薛树英 | 别名 | 铁臂树英 |
年代 | 清 | 身份 | 高宗乾隆御前侍卫 |
紫荆树 Long ago,there was a farming family of three brothers.Each of the three had a specail talent.The oldest was the smartest;he was the accountant of the family.The second brother was the strongest;his work was to cultivate the fields.As for the third brother,he was the most talented in taking care of animals.So,all the cows and pigs of the family were raised by him,and all were indeed very he
木棉树为什么被称为英雄树 ? 这英雄树(木棉树)绝非靠其外表的英俊、挺拔,而是靠实实在 在的英雄行动昭示后人的。话说在海南岛五指山,有位英雄叫吉贝, 他多次率领黎族人民抗御外敌,屡连战功,得到人民的爱戴。后因叛 徒出卖,被敌人围困在大山上,身中数箭,仍屹立山巅,身躯化为一 株木棉树,箭翎变为树枝, 鲜血化成殷红的花朵。后人为纪念他尊称 木棉为英雄树,把木棉花称为英雄花。