
书    名 无线通信基础(英文影印版) 作    者 (美)David Tse Pramod Viswanath
类    别 通信>无线通信>综合 原作品 Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
出版社 人民邮电出版社 出版时间 2009年8月
页    数 564 页 开    本 16 开
ISBN 9787115200709 原出版社 Cambridge University Press [1] 
丛书名 图灵原版电子与电气工程系列

作者: (美)David Tse

David Tse博士是无线通信领域新一代权威,现任加州大学伯克利分校电气工程与计算机科学系教授,毕业于麻省理工学院。..



作者: (美)Pramod Viswanath

ramod Viswanath博士现任伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳一尚佩恩分校电气与计算机工程系副教授,毕业子加州大学伯克利分校。..




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无线通信 使用无线方式采集巡更巡检器数据;通过USB线直接上传数据到电脑;|1个 3 查看价格 深圳科松电子技术有限公司 全国   2022-09-29
450M无线通信远端单元 450M无线通信远端单元|6台 1 查看价格 深圳市光网视科技有限公司 广东  阳江市 2017-02-15
450M无线通信扩展单元 450M无线通信扩展单元|1台 1 查看价格 深圳市光网视科技有限公司 广东  阳江市 2017-02-15
防爆无线通信AP /|47套 3 查看价格 深圳立通电子有限公司 公司 广东   2022-10-31
GPRS/GSM无线通信设备 GPRS Class 2~10 编码方案:CS1 - CS4符合SMG31bis技术规范外部SIM 卡,5dBi全向吸盘天线 发射功率:Class 4 (2W)/(EGSM900),Class 1|3套 2 查看价格 唐山平升电子技术开发有限公司 广西  南宁市 2017-07-10
无线通信模块 型号规格4G工业级|1套 1 查看价格 重庆易博交通控制设备有限公司 全国   2018-07-30
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——Robert G.Galhger教授,麻省理工学院

“David Tse和Pramod Viswanath为现代无线通信撰写了一部经典著作!本书覆盖无线系统设计基础以及无线通信领域最新进展,不仅是高校通信专业理想教材,而且是无线工程领域工程技术人员的理想指南!。”..

——Roberto Padovani博士,高通公司CTO ...




  • 单片机 无线通信


  • 无线通信技术有哪些种类

    无线通信(Wireless communication)是利用电磁波信号可以在自由空间中传播的特性进行信息交换的一种通信方式。在移动中实现的无线通信又通称为移动通信,人们把二者合称为无线移动通信。几种...

  • 无线通信模块的技术参数

    数据格式:8位数据位,1位停止位,校验位(奇、偶、无)可设定。波 特 率:300、600、1200、2400、4800、9600、19200(Bit/S)可选。通信误码:≤10。供电电源:10V~30...

1 introduction . 1

1.1 book objective 1

1.2 wireless systems 2

1.3 book outline 5

2 the wireless channel 10

2.1 physical modeling for wireless channels 10

2.1.1 free space, fixed transmit and receive antennas 12

2.1.2 free space, moving antenna 13

2.1.3 reflecting wall, fixed antenna 14

2.1.4 reflecting wall, moving antenna 16

2.1.5 reflection from a ground plane 17

2.1.6 power decay with distance and shadowing 18

2.1.7 moving antenna, multiple reflectors 19

2.2 input/output model of the wireless channel 20

2.2.1 the wireless channel as a linear time-varying system 20

2.2.2 baseband equivalent model 22

2.2.3 a discrete-time baseband model 25

discussion 2.1 degrees of freedom 28

2.2.4 additive white noise 29

2.3 time and frequency coherence 30

.2.3.1 doppler spread and coherence time 30

2.3.2 delay spread and coherence bandwidth 31

2.4 statistical channel models 34

2.4.1 modeling philosophy 34

2.4.2 rayleigh and rician fading 36

2.4.3 tap gain auto-correlation function 37

example 2.1 clarke’s model 38

chapter 2 the main plot 40

2.5 bibliographical notes 42

2.6 exercises 42

3 point-to-point communication: detection, diversity, and channel ncertainty 49

3.1 detection in a rayleigh fading channel 50

3.1.1 non-coherent detection 50

3.1.2 coherent detection 52

3.1.3 from bpsk to qpsk: exploiting the degrees of freedom 56

3.1.4 diversity 59

3.2 time diversity 60

3.2.1 repetition coding 60

3.2.2 beyond repetition coding 64

summary 3.1 time diversity code design criterion 68

example 3.1 time diversity in gsm 69

3.3 antenna diversity 71

3.3.1 receive diversity 71

3.3.2 transmit diversity: space-time codes 73

3.3.3 mimo: a 2×2 example 77

summary 3.2 2×2 mimo schemes 82

3.4 frequency diversity 83

3.4.1 basic concept 83

3.4.2 single-carrier with isi equalization 84

3.4.3 direct-sequence spread-spectrum 91

3.4.4 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing 95

summary 3.3 communication over frequency-selective channels 101

3.5 impact of channel uncertainty 102

3.5.1 non-coherent detection for ds spread-spectrum 103

3.5.2 channel estimation 105

3.5.3 other diversity scenarios 107

chapter 3 the main plot 109

3.6 bibliographical notes 110

4 cellular systems: multiple access and interference management 120

4.1 introduction 120

4.2 narrowband cellular systems 123

4.2.1 narrowband allocations: gsm system 124

4.2.2 impact on network and system design 126

4.2.3 impact on frequency reuse 127

summary 4.1 narrowband systems 128

4.3 wideband systems: cdma 128

4.3.1 cdma uplink 131

4.3.2 cdma downlink 145

4.3.3 system issues 147

summary 4.2 cdma 147

4.4 wideband systems: ofdm 148

4.4.1 allocation design principles 148

4.4.2 hopping pattern 150

4.4.3 signal characteristics and receiver design 152

4.4.4 sectorization 153

example 4.1 flash-ofdm 153

chapter 4 the main plot 154

4.5 bibliographical notes 155

4.6 exercises 155

5 capacity of wireless channels 166

5.1 awgn channel capacity 167

5.1.1 repetition coding 167

5.1.2 packing spheres 168

discussion 5.1 capacity-achieving awgn channel codes 170

summary 5.1 reliable rate of communication and capacity 171

5.2 resources of the awgn channel 172

5.2.1 continuous-time awgn channel 172

5.2.2 power and bandwidth 173

example 5.2 bandwidth reuse in cellular systems 175

5.3 linear time-invariant gaussian channels 179

5.3.1 single input multiple output (simo) channel 179

5.3.2 multiple input single output (miso) channel 179

5.3.3 frequency-selective channel 181

5.4 capacity of fading channels 186

5.4.1 slow fading channel 187

5.4.2 receive diversity 189

5.4.3 transmit diversity 191

summary 5.2 transmit and receive diversity 195

5.4.4 time and frequency diversity 195

summary 5.3 outage for parallel channels 199

5.4.5 fast fading channel 199

5.4.6 transmitter side information 203

example 5.3 rate adaptation in is-856 209

5.4.7 frequency-selective fading channels .. 213

5.4.8 summary: a shift in point of view 213

chapter 5 the main plot 214

5.5 bibliographical notes 217

5.6 exercises 217

6 multiuser capacity and opportunistic communication 228

6.1 uplink awgn channel 229

6.1.1 capacity via successive interference cancellation 229

6.1.2 comparison with conventional cdma 232

6.1.3 comparison with orthogonal multiple access 232

6.1.4 general k -user uplink capacity 234

6.2 downlink awgn channel 235

6.2.1 symmetric case: two capacity-achieving schemes 236

6.2.2 general case: superposition coding achieves capacity 238

summary 6.1 uplink and downlink awgn capacity 240

discussion 6.1 sic: implementation issues 241

6.3 uplink fading channel 243

6.3.1 slow fading channel 243

6.3.2 fast fading channel 245

6.3.3 full channel side information 247

summary 6.2 uplink fading channel 250

6.4 downlink fading channel 250

6.4.1 channel side information at receiver only 250

6.4.2 full channel side information 251

6.5 frequency-selective fading channels 252

6.6 multiuser diversity 253

6.6.1 multiuser diversity gain 253

6.6.2 multiuser versus classical diversity 256

6.7 multiuser diversity: system aspects 256

6.7.1 fair scheduling and multiuser diversity 258

6.7.2 channel prediction and feedback 262

6.7.3 opportunistic beamforming using dumb antennas 263

6.7.4 multiuser diversity in multicell systems 270

6.7.5 a system view 272

chapter 6 the main plot 275

6.8 bibliographical notes 277

6.9 exercises 278

7 mimo i: spatial multiplexing and channel modeling 290

7.1 multiplexing capability of deterministic mimo channels 291

7.1.1 capacity via singular value decomposition 291

7.1.2 rank and condition number 294

7.2 physical modeling of mimo channels 295

7.2.1 line-of-sight simo channel 296

7.2.2 line-of-sight miso channel 298

7.2.3 antenna arrays with only a line-of-sight path 299

7.2.4 geographically separated antennas 300

7.2.5 line-of-sight plus one reflected path 306

summary 7.1 multiplexing capability of mimo channels 309

7.3 modeling of mimo fading channels 309

7.3.1 basic approach 309

7.3.2 mimo multipath channel 311

7.3.3 angular domain representation of signals 311

7.3.4 angular domain representation of mimo channels 315

7.3.5 statistical modeling in the angular domain 317

7.3.6 degrees of freedom and diversity 318

example 7.1 degrees of freedom in clustered response models 319

7.3.7 dependency on antenna spacing 323

7.3.8 i.i.d.rayleigh fading model 327

chapter 7 the main plot 328

7.4 bibliographical notes 329

7.5 exercises 330

8 mimo ii: capacity and multiplexing architectures 332

8.1 the v-blast architecture 333

8.2 fast fading mimo channel 335

8.2.1 capacity with csi at receiver 336

8.2.2 performance gains 338

8.2.3 full csi 346

summary 8.1 performance gains in a mimo channel 348

8.3 receiver architectures 348

8.3.1 linear decorrelator 349

8.3.2 successive cancellation 355

8.3.3 linear mmse receiver 356

8.3.4 information theoretic optimality 362

discussion 8.1 connections with cdma multiuser detection and isi equalization 364

8.4 slow fading mimo channel 366

8.5 d-blast: an outage-optimal architecture 368

8.5.1 suboptimality of v-blast 368

8.5.2 coding across transmit antennas: d-blast 371

8.5.3 discussion 372

chapter 8 the main plot 373

8.6 bibliographical notes 374

8.7 exercises 374

9 mimo iii: diversity–multiplexing tradeoff and universal space-time codes 383

9.1 diversity–multiplexing tradeoff 384

9.1.1 formulation 384

9.1.2 scalar rayleigh channel 386

9.1.3 parallel rayleigh channel 390

9.1.4 miso rayleigh channel 391

9.1.5 2×2 mimo rayleigh channel 392

9.1.6 nt×nr mimo i.i.d.rayleigh channel 395

9.2 universal code design for optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff 398

9.2.1 qam is approximately universal for scalar channels 398

summary 9.1 approximate universality 400

9.2.2 universal code design for parallel channels 400

summary 9.2 universal codes for the parallel channel 406

9.2.3 universal code design for miso channels 407

summary 9.3 universal codes for the miso channel 410

9.2.4 universal code design for mimo channels 411

discussion 9.1 universal codes in the downlink 415

chapter 9 the main plot 415

9.3 bibliographical notes 416

9.4 exercises 417

10 mimo iv: multiuser communication 425

10.1 uplink with multiple receive antennas 426

10.1.1 space-division multiple access 426

10.1.2 sdma capacity region 428

10.1.3 system implications 431

summary 10.1 sdma and orthogonal multiple access 432

10.1.4 slow fading 433

10.1.5 fast fading 436

10.1.6 multiuser diversity revisited 439

summary 10.2 opportunistic communication and multiple receive antennas 442

10.2 mimo uplink 442

10.2.1 sdma with multiple transmit antennas 442

10.2.2 system implications 444

10.2.3 fast fading 446

10.3 downlink with multiple transmit antennas 448

10.3.1 degrees of freedom in the downlink 448

10.3.2 uplink–downlink duality and transmit beamforming 449

10.3.3 precoding for interference known at transmitter 454

10.3.4 precoding for the downlink 465

10.3.5 fast fading 468

10.4 mimo downlink 471

10.5 multiple antennas in cellular networks: a system view 473

summary 10.3 system implications of multiple antennas on multiple access 473

10.5.1 inter-cell interference management 474

10.5.2 uplink with multiple receive antennas 476

10.5.3 mimo uplink 478

10.5.4 downlink with multiple receive antennas 479

10.5.5 downlink with multiple transmit antennas 479

example 10.1 sdma in arraycomm systems 479

chapter 10 the main plot 481

10.6 bibliographical notes 482

10.7 exercises 483

appendix a detection and estimation in additive gaussian noise 496

appendix b information theory from first principles 516

references 546

index ... 554


无线通信基础知识 无线通信基础知识



页数: 16页

评分: 4.7

一、天线的基本知识 天线的作用与地位 无线电发射机输出的射频信号功率,通过馈线(电缆)输送到天线,由天线以电磁波形式辐射出 去。电磁波到达接收地点后,由天线接下来(仅仅接收很小很小一部分功率),并通过馈线送到无线电接 收机。可见,天线是发射和接收电磁波的一个重要的无线电设备,没有天线也就没有无线电通信。 天线品种繁多,以供不同频率、不同用途、不同场合、不同要求等不同情况下使用。 对于众多品种的天线,进行适当的分类是必要的: * 按用途分类 : 可分为通信天线、电视天线、雷达天线等; * 按工作频段分类 : 可分为短波天线、超短波天线、微波天线等; * 按方向性分类 : 可分为全向天线、定向天线等; * 按外形分类 : 可分为线状天线、面状天线等 . 电磁波的辐射 导线上有交变电流流动时,就可以发生电磁波的辐射,辐射的能力与导线的长度和形状有关。如 图 1.1 a 所示,若两导线的距离很

无线通信新技术 无线通信新技术



页数: 8页

评分: 4.6

无线通信新技术 近几年来,全球通信技术的发展日新月异,尤其是近两三年来,无 线通信技术的发展速度与应用领域已经超过了固定通信技术,呈现出如 火如荼的发展态势。 其中最具代表性的有蜂窝移动通信、宽带无线接 入,也包括集群通信、卫星通信,以及手机视频业务与技术。最近在掌 心和笑声中又聆听了《无线通信新技术》专业讲座,使我更加对无线电 有了新的认识、理解。现将报告心得陈述如下: 主题一:无线通信中的分集技术 1.1分集技术介绍 根据信号论原理,若有其他衰减程度的原发送信号副本提供给接收 机,则有助于接收信号的正确判决。这种通过提供传送信号多个副本来 提高接收信号正确判决率的方法被称为分集。分集技术是用来补偿衰落 信道损耗的,它通常利用无线传播环境中同一信号的独立样本之间不相 关的特点,使用一定的信号合并技术改善接收信号,来抵抗衰落引起的 不良影响。空间分集手段可以克服空间选择性衰落,但是分集接收





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