Strong ultraviolet high-pressure mercury lamp (the UV light) from high-quality pipes made of pure quartz, so that ultraviolet light can be a high level and a large amount of penetration, its arc length / light-emitting length may range from 5-300 cm, common power for each cm 30W to 200W, ultra-high-power UV lamps typically 200W per centimeter or more operations, the effective range of the light spectrum between 350-450nm, the main peak of 365nm, there are more than 700 varieties of power from 100w-25kw.UV light Life generally refers to its able to maintain enough energy to operate the time, during which the gradual attenuation of its energy below the acceptable range of up to date, the general standard UV lamps can be enough UV radiation energy of 800-1,000 hours. may be set to do various types of UV Inkjet Printer on the plate using a UV lamp.
Strong ultraviolet high-pressure mercury lamp (the UV light) from high-quality pipes made of pure quartz, so that ultraviolet light can be a high level and a large amount of penetration, its arc length / light-emitting length may range from 5-300 cm, common power for each cm 30W to 200W, ultra-high-power UV lamps typically 200W per centimeter or more operations, the effective range of the light spectrum between 350-450nm, the main peak of 365nm, there are more than 700 varieties of power from 100w-25kw.UV light Life generally refers to its able to maintain enough energy to operate the time, during which the gradual attenuation of its energy below the acceptable range of up to date, the general standard UV lamps can be enough UV radiation energy of 800-1,000 hours. may be set to do various types of UV Inkjet Printer on the plate using a UV lamp.
¥480.00 谏邺家居 uv光固化灯管 ¥110.00 利事发家居 uv光固化灯管 ¥88.00 晓明玻璃五金店  ...
文摘 广义雅可比06加上对称quasi-minimal对角预处理SQMR残余()方法 已经证明是有效解决2·2块线性方程组引起离散 Biots固结方程。然而,有一种可能会进一步提高其性能采用更加复杂了...
室内灯 residential lamp / light 枝状大吊灯 chandeliers 吊灯 pendant lamp / light 半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light 台灯 table lamp / light 壁灯 wall lamp / light 孙光辉 Jacky Sun 落地灯 floor lamp / light 吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light 水晶灯 crystal lamp / light 木灯 wooden lamp / light 宫灯 palace lamp / light 仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light 低压灯 low voltage lamp / light 工艺灯 artificial lamp / light 石艺灯 marble lamp
精品文档 精品文档 照明灯饰灯具分类英语词汇 室内灯 residential lamp / light 枝状大吊灯 chandeliers 吊灯 pendant lamp / light 半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light 台灯 table lamp / light 壁灯 wall lamp / light 孙光辉 Jacky Sun 落地灯 floor lamp / light 吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light 水晶灯 crystal lamp / light 木灯 wooden lamp / light 宫灯 palace lamp / light 仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light 低压灯 low voltage lamp / light 工艺灯 artificial lamp /
21世纪UV固化大都采用新型的UV LED固化,有UV LED点光源、线光源、面光源。汞灯的、卤素灯慢慢被淘汰。