This Code is formulated for unifying the design standard of railway electric power system with achieving the target of safety, applicability, reliability, advanced technologies, economic reasonability, convenient operation and maintenance.
This Code applies to design of railway electric power system (excluding traction power supply system) with voltage level of 110 kV and below.
The design of railway electric power system shall accord with national energy policies,take energy-efficiency measures, reduce power consumption, take environment protection and land acquisition into consideration according to local conditions.
The state-of-the-art technologies,new processes,new materials and new equipment adopted in the design shall comply with relevant national and industrial provisions.
Necessary preventive measures shall be taken against hazard inducers and potential safety defects in the design of railway electric power system
The design for railway electric power system shall be in accordance with not only the requirements stipulated in this Code,but also those in the relevant current national standard.
1 GeneralProvisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
4 Power Supply and Distribution System
4.1Load Classification and Power Supply Requirements
4.2 Selection of Power Source and Voltage Level
4.3 System Configuration
4.4 Power Quality and Reactive Power Compensation
5 Substation and Distribution Station
5.1 GeneralRequirements
5.2 Site Selection and Site Arrangement
5.3 The Main Electrical ConnectionSelection and Layout of Facilities
5.4 Pole-mounted Substation and Prefabricated Substation
5.5 The Configuration of the Measuring Meter and Relay Protection
6 Electric Remote Control System
6.1 GeneralRequirements
6.2 System Design
7 Overhead Power Line
7.1 GeneralRequirements
7.2 Route Selection
7.3 Conducting Wire Selection and Overhead Line Erection
7.4 Insulators and Metal Fittings
7.5 Tower and PoleWiring and Foundation
7.6 Switch Device
7.7 Safety DistanceCrossover and Approach
8 Cable Line
8.1 GeneralRequirements
8.2 Cable Selection
8.3 Cable Laying
8.4 Cable Accessories and Others
9 Low Voltage Power Distribution
9.1 GeneralRequirements
9.2 Design of Low Voltage Power Distribution System
10 Power Lighting
11 Power Supply for Railway Special Facilities and Places
11.1 Railway Bridge Power Supply
11.2 RailwayTunnelPowerSupply
11.3 Ground Power Supply System for Air-conditioned Passenger Train and EMU
11.4 Centralized UPS System
12 Building Automation System (BAS)
12.1 General Requirements
12.2 System Design
12.3 Basic Functions of the System
13 Lightning Protection and Earthing of Electrical Equipment
131 General Requirements
13.2 Lightning Protection of Electrical Equipment
13.3 Earthing ofElectricalEquipment
14 Electrical Energy Saving and Environmental Protection
14 1 General Requirements
14.2 Energy Saving of Supply and Distribution System
14.3 Energy Saving for Electrical Lighting
14.4 Energy Saving for Electrical Equipment and Components
14.5 Energy Saving for Control and Management System
14.6 Environmental Protection
15 Interface Design
15.1 General Requirements
15.2 Interface between Power Engineering and Civil Works
15.3 Interface between Railway Power Supply and Distribution System and External Power Supply
15.4 Interface Between Power Supply and Distribution System and Other Equipment
Appendix A Typical Climate Zone
Appendix B Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
Appendix C Commonly Used Upper Limit of Earth Resistance for AC Power Devices of Railway(Ω))
Appendix D Earthing Modes of Low-voltage Distribution System
Appendix E Low Voltage Earthing ArrangementProtective Conductor and Protective Bonding Conductor
Words used for Different Degrees of Strictness
Normative References2100433B
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对于《铁路电力设计规范》的梳理 一、铁路架空配电线路越超高压架空线路交叉跨标准 铁路架空配电线路越超高压架空线路的相关标准, 《铁路电力设计规范》 (TB10008-2006,以下简称《规范》)、《铁路工程设计技术手册 -电力》(以下简 称“手册”)上都有相关规定,其有关规定见下表: 表 1 《铁路工程设计技术手册 -电力》中相关规定 《铁路工程设计技术手册 -电力》规定 编 号 项目 五、架空弱电线路 六、架空电力线路 一级 二级 三级 35KV 10(6)KV 0.38KV 及以 下 1 交叉档导线最小 截面 35KV采用钢芯铝绞线为 35mm2 10KV及以下采用钢芯铝绞线为 35mm2,其他导线为 16mm2 (铁道部标 准为 10(6)KV 采用钢芯铝绞线 25mm2,0.38KV 及以下采用铝绞线 35mm 2 ,其他导线 16mm 2 ) 2 导线在跨越档内 接头
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