公司名称 | 深圳大观联合照明设计有限公司 | 成立时间 | 2011年09月07日 |
总部地点 | 深圳市南山区沙河街道华侨城东部工业区C3栋401室 |
你好.我了解到的有以下几家,我去那里看过,设计质量很不错,你可以去看看。 1.伯爵王照明设计工程有限公司 地址:昆明市盘龙区白云路548号丹彤大厦16层 2.昆明标美照明设计公司 地址:昆明盘龙区白龙...
北京八番竹照明设计有限公司 地址:北京市东城区朝阳门银河soho大厦D1座17层 途经公交:45路 466路 49路 设计合理,价格合理,水平高,...
华人照明设计师联合会(Chinese Lighting Designer Association简称CLDA)于2008年由阿拉丁照明网和华南区的资深照明设计师共同发起而成立,CLDA按国际照明设计师团休组织的规则,制定严谨的入会标准及相关活动准则。
2011年12月,在广州与全球最顶尖的照明设计团队组织PLDA(专业照明设计师协会Professional Lingting Designers Association)正式签订的战略合作协议,更让CLDA的发展树立了一个新里程碑。
Chinese Lighting Designer Association (CLDA) aims to elevate the professional standard of the Chinese lighting
designers, enhance the social standing of the Chinese lighting designers, and comply with three principles: Sincere,
Professional and Innovative. To better executive these objective and principles, CLDA makes its Code of Ethics as
华人照明设计师联合会(CLDA)以提高华人设计师的专业水平、提升华人设计师的社会地位为宗旨,遵守“真诚、专业、 创新”三项工作
1.In this document:
"Designer" - Lighting designer in the CLDA sense (Professional and Associate members).
"Committee" - Ethics committee of 3 elected Professional members.
“设计师” CLDA所讲的设计师指的是照明设计师 (专业或个人会员)。
“委员会” 指的是由3位推选出来的专业会员组成的道德委员会。
2.In the course of carrying out his professional duties, the designer will be guided by considerations of health, safety and
3.The designer will carry out his professional services with skill and proficiency.
4.The designer will carry out his professional services in a decent and equitable fashion while safeguarding professional
dignity and within professional considerations and loyalty to his client/s and to his peers.
5.In the course of his professional activities, the designer will refrain from any unfair competition with his colleagues or
from damaging their creators' rights.
6.Contracting a job with a client will be done in writing before the beginning of the work or within a reasonable time after
the beginning of the work. The contract document or work order will state, as a minimum, the scope of the services to
be performed by the designer and the agreed upon compensation.
接一个工作之前必须要在工作开始之前或开始工作后的一个合理时间内与客户签署书面合同。 合同文件或工作订单至少 要说明设计师所要执
7.In the course of carrying out his professional duties, the designer will strive to keep all secrecy about his client's private
and business affairs, unless the client has willingly waived this secrecy on a specific matter.
The designer will endeavour to instruct his employees to keep total secrecy about matters they learn of in the course of
their work.
在执行职业责任期间,除非客户因特殊原因自愿放弃,否则设计师必须努力对客户的所有隐私及商业事务保密。 设计师
8.The designer will refrain from giving his professional services if there is a doubt as to whether he will be able to carry
out his professional duties to his client for personal reasons or because of prior obligations to other clients.
9.The designer will not accept any payments or other favours from suppliers or manufacturers in conjunction with the
professional services he is giving to a specific client on a specific project.
10.The designer will not accept any assignment unless he has made sure that another designer did not previously contract
the project. In such an occurrence, the designer will only accept the assignment under condition the client presents him
with a written agreement from the previous designer.
The previous designer will surrender such an agreement only on condition the following matters have been settled:
除非确信别的设计师没有预先签订这个项目,否则设计师是不会承接任何业务的。 在这样情况下,设计师只有在
His fees have been paid in full.
There is an agreement as to the use of his drawings and other documentation. 对他的图纸或 其他文档
There is an agreement as to his professional responsibility and liability.
If these matters have not been settled, the previous designer will give his agreement if there has been a
court settling or an arbitrator's settling.
If there is no agreement between the previous designer and the client and their matters have not been
settled in court or by an arbitrator, the committee can allow the new designer to accept the job if it deems the
circumstances appropriate.
If a new designer has learnt about the involvement of a previous designer in a project after he has begun
working on it, he will suspend his services until such time the client will have settled his matters with the
previous designer.
11.If the designer is prevented from giving a service he has contracted for an unreasonable period of time, the
committee can approve the involvement of a new designer under conditions it deems appropriate even if all
above conditions have not been fulfilled.
12.The designer will not terminate his professional services to a client unless he has given him a reasonable
chance to locate a new designer to complete the services. This will not apply if there is a compelling legal or
ethical reason to interrupt the services. If the designer has decided to terminate his services for such a
reason, he will give immediate written notice to his client and it is his duty to terminate his services in such a
way as to refrain from damaging his client's affairs.
设计师无法终止他对客户的专业服务,除非他给了他一个适当的机会找出新的设计师完成服务。 如果有一个强制
法律或道德原因中断服务的不适用这一点。 如果设计师因为这样原因决定终止他的服务,他必须及时直接书面通
13.The designer will refrain from giving professional consultation or advice on a matter being dealt with or about
to be dealt with by another designer, without the consent of the designer in charge of the project. However, the
committee can approve such a professional consultation even in the absence of the current designer's
consent if it deems that the circumstances warrant such an intervention.
14.The committee is sovereign to recommend the termination of the designer's membership in CLDA if it deems
that a designer has breached the ethics code. Such a recommendation will be brought to vote before the
general assembly. No other body besides the committee is entitled to recommend termination of membership
based on violation of ethics. The committee will formulate an examination and a termination procedure, which
will include an early warning procedure to the designer who is deemed to have violated the ethics code.
如果设计师违背了道德规范,委员会有权建议终止设计师在CLDA的会员资格。 这样的建议在大会之前作出表决。
除委员会以外没有其他任何人有资格因违背道德规范而建议终止会员资格。 委员会会制定检查和终止程序,包括
15.Any complaint about CLDA member's violation of the professional ethics code will be submitted for review to
the committee.