光学变焦 3倍

广角镜头 否

长焦镜头 否

等效于35mm尺寸 35-105

镜头说明 5.8-17.4mm

近拍距离 5cm

光圈大小 F2.8-F5.0

感 光 度 自动,100,200,400,800,1250,3200

高感光度 是

变焦方式 电子

伸缩镜头 是

对焦方式 自动对焦


市场价 信息价 询价
材料名称 规格/型号 市场价
行情 品牌 单位 税率 供应商 报价日期
投影机镜头 短焦变焦镜头;投射比:0.6:1 查看价格 查看价格


13% 成都东盛顺合科技有限公司
投影机镜头 短焦变焦镜头;投射比:0.8-1.0:1 查看价格 查看价格


13% 成都东盛顺合科技有限公司
投影机镜头 短焦变焦镜头;投射比:1.0:1 查看价格 查看价格


13% 成都东盛顺合科技有限公司
投影机镜头 短焦变焦镜头;投射比:0.28-0.31:1 查看价格 查看价格


13% 成都东盛顺合科技有限公司
投影机镜头 SLX60C 查看价格 查看价格


13% 重庆秀彩科技有限公司
松下PT-UX363C 1024*768 3700流明 有高清接口 查看价格 查看价格

13% 南宁市明扩电子科技有限公司
松下PT-X303C 1024*768 3100流明 有高清接口 查看价格 查看价格

13% 南宁市明扩电子科技有限公司
松下PT-UX333C 1024*768 3300流明 有高清接口 查看价格 查看价格

13% 南宁市明扩电子科技有限公司
材料名称 规格/型号 除税
行情 品牌 单位 税率 地区/时间
ST光纤 OR-20500060 查看价格 查看价格

多模SC PJ50SC-mm 查看价格 查看价格

单模ST PJ50ST-SM 查看价格 查看价格

单模FC PJ50FC-SM 查看价格 查看价格

单模LC PJ50LC-SM 查看价格 查看价格

单模SC PJ50SC-SM 查看价格 查看价格

多模ST PJ50ST-mm 查看价格 查看价格

多模FC PJ50FC-mm 查看价格 查看价格

材料名称 规格/需求量 报价数 最新报价
供应商 报价地区 最新报价时间
镜头 松下(要求800转)|2块 1 查看价格 华诺科技有限公司 广东  深圳市 2010-06-01
投影定配镜头 松下短焦镜头5400流明|4台 2 查看价格 深圳市九象数字科技有限公司 广东   2022-02-17
1/2"镜头 WV-LP6 针孔镜头 F2.0 6mm|6240台 1 查看价格 深圳市瀛宇数码科技有限公司 广东  深圳市 2015-10-25
最新镜头(2) 日本AVENIR精工镜头系列 SSG0475|762台 1 查看价格 南京华诺科技有限公司 江苏  南京市 2015-04-22
1/2镜头 WV-LA6A 广角自动光圈镜头 F1.4 6mm|9837台 1 查看价格 深圳市瀛宇数码科技有限公司 广东  深圳市 2015-06-09
1/2"镜头 WV-LF12 标准固定光圈镜头 F1.4 12mm|610台 1 查看价格 深圳市瀛宇数码科技有限公司 广东  深圳市 2015-03-31
镜头系列(2) 日本松下 WV-LA2R8C5|3441台 1 查看价格 南京华诺科技有限公司 江苏  南京市 2015-12-10
1/2镜头 WV-LA12A 标准自动光圈镜头 F1.4 12mm|4742台 1 查看价格 深圳市瀛宇数码科技有限公司 广东  深圳市 2015-07-29

记录媒介 SD/SDHC卡

记录容量 内置27M内存

文件格式 JPEG

电池类型 专用锂电池

续航能力 一次性充满电的情况下可拍摄约350张照片


  • 哪位了解松下镜头价格

    松下镜头¥4599.00松下镜头松下监控摄像机安防摄像机广东松下摄像机报价广东松下摄像机代理高清摄像机网络摄像机Panasonic监控设备工程专用摄像机。 以上报价来源网络,仅供参考。

  • 我想知道松下gf2用什么镜头


  • 松下gf2变焦镜头和定焦镜头的区别是什么?

    变焦镜头:就是指镜头可以通过调节镜片的距离,而改变焦距的镜头。通俗的说,就是在目镜里看到物体,通 过调节变焦镜头,使目镜中的物体,改变视觉距离和视觉大小。 定焦镜头:是指焦距不能改变的镜头。通过定焦镜...

显示屏尺寸 2.5英寸

像素及类型 11.5万像素TFT LCD

可旋转液晶屏 否

机身类型 消费数码相机

手动操作 部分手动功能

感光元件 CCD

传感器尺寸 1/2.5英寸

总像素数 738万

有效像素 720万

最高分辨率 3072*2304

图像分辨率 3072×2304,3072×2048,3072×1728像素

外形设计 黑色,银色,粉红色

外形尺寸 94.1×51.4×24.2mm

产品重量 125g

轻巧机身 是

时尚超薄 否

大屏幕LCD 否

闪光类型 内置

支持热靴 否

闪光模式 自动,强制,关闭,防红眼,慢速同步,防红眼 慢速同步

自拍功能 支持

动态拍摄 支持不间断有声短片拍摄功能,848×480@30/15fsp,640×480@30/15fsp,320×240@30/15fsp

录音/音频系统 支持

场景模式 肖像,风景,运动,海滩,雪景,聚会,植物,夜晚风景,夜晚肖像

防红眼 支持

防抖性能 光学防抖

曝光模式 全自动曝光,程序自动曝光

曝光补偿 -2.0EV - 2.0EV,1/3EV级调节

曝光测量 中央重点测光

白平衡调节 自动,预置:晴天,阴天,白炽灯,荧光灯

快门速度 60-1/2000秒

数据接口 USB2.0

视频接口 AV接口

发布日期 2007年06月

面部识别 支持

Wi-Fi功能 不支持


树脂镜头和玻璃镜头有什么区别 树脂镜头和玻璃镜头有什么区别



页数: 2页

评分: 4.5

树脂镜头和玻璃镜头有什么区别?那个更好一些? 现代的变焦镜头为了消除色差,往往会采用非球面透镜。而用玻璃研磨非球面透镜的成 本是很高的。 采用树脂就简单了, 直接注射成型即可。 因此, 普通镜头中如果要用到非球面 透镜,一般就使用树脂代替玻璃。 从光学表现上说,两者的差别其实非常有限。但是长期使用之后,树脂镜片的老化程度 要比玻璃严重。但是这也不能说明树脂的镜头不好。 树脂材料分热塑性和热固性材料。 热固性材料具有加热后硬化的性质, 受热后不会变形, 现在大部分眼镜以这种材料为主, 比如 CR-39。CR-39 学名碳本酸丙烯乙酸或称烯丙基二甘醇酸脂, 是最早用于生产镜片的材 料。折射率接近普通玻璃镜片为 1.5,普通玻璃为 1.5~1.6。密度是玻璃的一半为 1.32,阿贝 数为 58~59(只有很少的色散) ,主要的缺点是耐磨性不及玻璃。但可以通过镀抗磨损膜来 处理。目前市场上已经有折

自己动手检测镜头 自己动手检测镜头



页数: 未知

评分: 4.8



位于美国俄勒冈州Lake Oswego的First Silicon Solutions(FS2)的公司是MIPS Technologies全资子公司。FS2公司专门致力于芯片知识产权(IP)、设计服务和针对SoC、SOPC、FPGA、ASSP和ASIC器件的编程、测试、调试和嵌入式跟踪片上仪器(OCI)的开发工具。

FS2公司的OCI技术可提供深度的、针对SoC内部工作的、覆盖整个系统的能见度,是实现成功设计和加速上市的关键。FS2从1999年起就与MIPS Technologies及其客户密切合作,针对MIPS-Based(tm)核心,开发尖端的系统除错与程序追踪技术。这项合作关系后来更延伸至PDtrace(tm)(Program and Data Trace)芯片内部与外部的追踪系统开发,并应用在MIPS32(r) 4KE(tm)、MIPS32 24K(r)、以及MIPS32 24KE(tm)等系列的处理器核心。

此外,FS2还推出System Navigator以协助业者针对系统进行开发与除错,同时FS2亦提供Logic Navigator(tm)系列IP方案与相关工具,针对涵盖整个系统的先进处理器总线进行分析作业。


In-Target System Analyzer for

Actel Core8051™ Microcontroller Core

ISA-ACTEL51专为 ACTEL51 设计,采用FS2公司独有的 On-Chip Instrumentation(芯片级在线调试仪;OCI)和调试器,通过Actel 的FlashPro Lite 实现目标连接,并具有四个硬件执行断点、无限的软件断点,以及可选的触发器和追踪功能。

FS2 产品与Actel 产品的紧密配合,能让使用FS2 之 OCI 工具开发以Actel Core8051 为基础 FPGA 系统的客户,大幅缩短设计周期和降低开发成本。Keil IDE 可与FS2 的工具完美结合。


· 支持 bank switching

· 可读写全部处理器寄存器, SFRs, program memory 和 data memory

· Go, halt processor run control

· 步执行汇编或C 指令

· 无限制软断点设置

· 可下载 binary, Intel Hex或OMF51

· 可达4 硬件执行断点

· 跟踪窗口可以显示汇编、C或混合显示

· 在源码窗口中可设置、软硬件断点

Logic NavigatorTM for Actel FPGAs

Logic Analyzer and Debug Tool for Actel Programmable Logic

专为Actel FPGAs设计。


· 基于FS2 OCI技术跟踪和触发Actel FPGA 的信号分析

· 用户可在Actel ProASIC, ProASIC(PLUS), MX, SX,和AX devices配置任意节点的逻辑分析

· 支持各个级别的触发

· 可存储出发条件

· 图形化用户界面可通过波形或文本输出

· 命令行Tcl/tk 指令接口

· 可配置的跟踪和触发的优化选择

· 通过 Actel FlashPro 或FlashPro Lite 和目标板连接

· OCI 发生器迅速产生配置 OCI 逻辑块选项并且可以产生实例代码。

· 分析达4096个节点

· 可达32个可选的外部触发接口

2、 System Navigator for Nios II

System Navigator Products for Nios II Embedded Processors

专为Nios II设计,采用FS2公司独有的 On-Chip Instrumentation(芯片级在线调试仪;OCI)技术的调试器


执行断点数 2 4 4 4

数据/周期断点 2 4 4 4

跟踪深度 16 frames Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited (on- chip)

128K frames (off-chip)

数据/总线周期跟踪 No Yes Yes Yes

性能分析 No Yes Yes Yes

跟踪时间标记 No NO NO Yes

主机连接方式 USB 1.1 USB 2.0 USB 2.010/100 Ethernet USB 1.1 / EPP

触发 No NO NO Yes

目标连接方式  JTAG JTAG JTAG Mictor-38

离线跟踪 No NO NO Yes

多核支持 No Yes Yes Yes3、 System Navigator for AMD Alchemy™ Processors

System Navigator tools for

AMD Alchemy Solutions Au1500™ and Au1550™ Processors

支持AMD芯片的独特特点,对AMD Alchemy Au1500™ 和 Au1550™ 处理器深度跟踪调试。扩展调试支持 Windows 和 Linux下的 GDB/Insight调试。低成本下,优秀的源码级调试。同时也支持图形界面下直观方便的Mentor Graphics code|lab和XRAY debuggers 以及Viosoft embedded Linux Arriba 调试。可通过USB或网口与主机通讯。



·支持AMD Alchemy Au1500 和 Au1550 处理器和开发板,也支持所有 MIPS 4K™, 4KE™, 4KS™, M4K™, 5K™, 20K™, 24K™, and 25K™ cores





· 无论CPU停止或运行都可读写内存

· MIPS标准的硬件断点(EJTAG version 2.51 or later)

·支持FLASH 编程





·包括MDI调试规范的2进制软件接口4、 System Navigator for AMD Geode™ GX and LX Processors


AMD Geode™ GX 466@0.9W processor

AMD Geode™ GX 500@1.0W processor

AMD Geode™ GX 533@1.1W processor

AMD Geode™ LX 700@0.8W processor

AMD Geode™ LX 800@0.9W processor

AMD Geode™ LX 900@01.5W processor


·在 Geode GX和Geode LX 处理器利用On-Chip Instrumentation (OCI®) 调试扩展

·读写CPU 寄存器, MSRs, 内存 和I/O





·片上跟踪深度达128 x 64-bit帧

·离片跟踪深度达64K x 64-bit 帧 (可选)









·源码窗口可执行: go; halt; goto cursor; step over/into call


·包括GNU-based GDB 源码级程序调试

· Windows CE Platform Builder 和 在 Windows XP/XPE WinDbg 内核级调试

·支持TCL./TK脚本语言的命令行接口5、System Navigator for Turbo 186 Cores: System Navigator tools for VAutomation Turbo186 Core and

Lantronix DSTni-LX / DSTni-EX Processors



· 控制CPU运行

· 单步执行汇编指令

· 无限的软件断点

· 支持Flash编程

· 用调试寄存器执行硬件断点

· 支持C或汇编语言

· 源码窗口能够显示C语言或混合显示

· 源码窗口可提供运行控制

· 源码窗口能够设置或清除软硬件断点

· 源码窗口允许选择全局或局部变量并增加到变量窗口中

· 触发窗口可设置复杂触发

· 标准TCL./TK脚本语言的命令行接口

System Navigator for MIPS:

System Navigator tools for

MIPS Technologies MIPS32™ and MIPS64™ Cores












支持基于mips sde 工具链的gun,mentor 图形开发工具和xray以及voisoft

要求ejtag2.5 或以上





Off-chip trace up to 64K 64-bit words





支持FLASH 编程








FS2仿真器Navigator IDE for MIPS:

Eclipse-based Navigator debugger IDE for

MIPS Technologies MIPS32™ and MIPS64™ Cores

与Eclipse兼容的图形化MIPS核开发调试环境8、ABS of the Benefits of MIPS PDtrace™

FS2 System Navigator JTAG ProbesMIPS® Software Toolkit

MIPS® SDE GNU based toolchain, MIPSsim(TM) Instruction Set Simulator,

MIPS® DSP Library and Technical Support

System Navigator for CAST8051

System Navigator tools for

CAST 8051 Synthesizable Microcontroller Cores


(CAST R8051XC, R80515, R8051, C8051 cores)


Keil µVision3 software


System Navigator tools for Handshake Solutions

HT80C51 and HT80C51MX Clockless Microcontroller Cores

支持CPU: HT80C51 和 HT80C51MX

兼容开发环境:Keil 系列

System Navigator for Mentor M8051EW

System Navigator tools for Mentor M8051EW

Synthesizable Microcontroller Cores

System Navigator for Philips LPC952

System Navigator for

Philips LPC952 Microcontroller

FS2仿真器ISA-JAZZ System Analyzer

In-Target System Analyzer for Improv Systems Jazz DSP Processor Cores

The ISA-JAZZ In-Target System Analyzer is designed to support the special features and integrated peripherals of the Jazz processor family. It works with the Improv Systems Jazz Standard Tool Suite and provides a JTAG interface to the family DSP processors.

The ISA-Jazz System Analyzer supports JTAG-based debugging for Improv Systems Jazz cores with COOL-Jazz debugging extensions. It features complete run control over one or more Jazz DSP processor cores and enables you to access and modify registers, memory, and I/O. The JTAG based probe works with the Improv Systems tool suite debugger for a graphical user interface. This provides a powerful multi core debug tool for Jazz cores with advanced features at a competitive price.

Key Features

· Read-write all processor registers, memory, and I/O ports

· Go and halt processor run control

· Single step by assembly or C source instruction

· Set hardware and software breakpoints

· Load binary, hex, S-records file formats

· Supports multiple Jazz cores on JTAG chain

· Supports flash programming

· Trigger-in/out signals

· Supported by Jazz debugger and development tool suite


In-Target System Analyzer for LSI Logic ZSP500 DSP Core

The In-Target System Analyzer supports the LSI Logic ZSP™500 synthesizable DSP core. To learn more about the ZSP500 core, visit the web site at www.zsp.comThe ZSP500 core is available with optional FS2 On-chip Instrumentation (OCI®) IP with trace and triggering features for faster system debug and testing. It provides unique performance analysis features that make it easier to find execution bottlenecks and improve performance.

The FS2 system analyzer probe connects to the ZSP500 target system using a 14-pin JTAG connector or 38-pin Mictor cable (with off-chip trace system). The system runs on a Windows®98/NT/2000/XP PC over an IEEE-1284 EPP/bi-directional parallel port.

Key Features

· Supports LSI Logic ZSP500 DSP core

· Features FS2 On-Chip Instrumentation (OCI) technology

· On-chip trace (standard), off-chip trace, or both

· Supports 24-bit addressing

· Real-time PC execution trace

· Load/store address trace

· Detailed Execution Profiling Trace mode for measuring CPU resource utilization

· Point-to-point timing to assist in code performance optimization

· Trace can be gated on/off by on-chip triggers

· Scalable internal trace depth

· External trace port width and speed selectable

· Max trace depth: on-chip 1024 x 64-bit words, off-chip 64K x 64-bit words

· Unlimited software breakpoints

· ZSP hardware breakpoints

· Go, halt processor run control

· Read-write all general registers and control registers

· Supports multiple cores and mixed RISC/DSP development

· Host binary software interface adheres to MDI specification

· Command-line interface window with Tcl scripting

FS2仿真器Sitka Development Board

Evaluation and Development Board for Synopsys DesignWare PCI Express IP

The Sitka development and evaluation board was jointly developed by Synopsys and First Silicon Solutions for the Synopsys DesignWare PCI Express IP. The board functions as a standard PCIe add-in card for systems running either the Windows or Linux operating systems.

The Sitka board contains two large Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA's which allow you to combine your design with the DesignWare PCI Express IP enabling you to test and debug your PCI Express application in hardware. The FPGA's support partitioning of large designs by providing 272 I/O pins between the two FPGA's. These I/O's can be configured for operation up to 1Gpbs point-to-point to provide high throughput data transfers or grouped into sets of unidirectional channels. The FPGA's are configured with on-board ROM that can hold two or more configurations depending on the bitfile compression that is used.

The board enables testing the DesignWare PCI Express IP with multiple PHYs for maximum flexibility in choosing the PHY for the final design. For testing purposes, you can use the built-in FX60 PHY connecting directly to specific connectors like the PCIe interface and SATA drives or through the 360-pin expansion connector. In addition to using the built-in FPGA PHYs, you can use daughter cards connected to the Sitka board via two different connector locations, including the PCI Express Standard PIPE_C (PHY Interface PCI Express Architecture Connector). The Sikta board can run any combination or all of these interfaces simultaneously.

The Sitka board, when used in conjunction with the industry standard DesignWare PCI Express IP enables faster and easier verification of the design in hardware.

Key Features

· PCIe x8 board edge connector (adaptors plug into a PCIe x1 or x4 PC slot)

· PCI Express PHY Interface for PCI Express Architecture Connector (PIPE_C) enables PHY testing through a PHY daughter card

· PMA Interface connector for use with Synopsys PHY daughter cards

· 2 SATA drive connectors

· 2 SFP connector sites for Gigabit Ethernet (GigE)

· 2 XENPAK connector sites for XAUI (adaptors for additional SATA or SFP)

· Cup connectors for TI power source modules

· 2 Xilinx JTAG connectors, one each wired to FX60 and LX100 for using the ChipScope Pro debugger

· Xilinx XC4VFX60-10FF1152

· Xilinx XC4VLX100-10FF1513

· 3 XCF32P configurable FLASH devices for 2 selectable Xilinx image loads

· 2 independent Xilinx-approved clock sources for the Rocket IO (PCIe and SATA)

· 2 clock sources for PMA PHY 'H' connector daughter card

· LEDs for board diagnostics



FS2 System Analyzers for

QuickLogic® QuickMIPS™ ESP Family and

Eclipse™ FPGA Devices


In-Target System Analyzer for ZiLOG eZ80 Processor Family

The ISA-eZ80 In-Target System Analyzer is designed to support the special features and integrated peripherals of the eZ80 processor family. It supports the ZiLOG Developer Studio (ZDS) and is integrated with the IAR Embedded Workbench software tools to maximize your productivity.

The system analyzer features complete run control over the eZ80 processor and enables you to access and modify CPU registers, memory, and I/O. FS2's On-Chip Instrumentation (OCI(TM)) debug features built-in to the ZiLOG processors allow FS2 to provide a powerful debug tool with advanced features at a competitive price.

The ISA-eZ80 debugger hardware is contained in a compact chassis that connects to the target system using a 14-pin JTAG connector. The system runs on a Windows® 98/NT/2000 PC over an IEEE-1284 EPP/ECP high-speed parallel port or USB port. The JTAG target interface and high-speed parallel host intface provides typical 8K bytes/sec. loading speeds so you spend more time debugging than waiting for programs to load. A graphical, source level debugger program provides an intuitive, easy to use interface for use with the ZiLOG Developer Studio (ZDS) tools. The system can also be used with the IAR Embedded Workbench debugger interface (sold separately) for complete compatibility with IAR software tools.

IAR Embedded Workbench Interface

IAR Web site

Zilog Web site

Key Features

· Supports ZiLOG eZ80L92, eZ80F91, eZ80F92, eZ80F93, and other processors with available JTAG debug interface

· Read-write all processor registers, memory, and I/O

· Go and halt processor run control

· Trace window with executed assembly and source code

· Single step by assembly or C source instruction

· Unlimited software breakpoints

· Load binary, hex, S-records or COFF (from ZDS) and IAR file formats

· JTAG target and EPP parallel host interface for faster loading

· Flash programming support

· 4 hardware execution breakpoints

· 4 ZDI triggers monitor addrss, address ranges, with option to break on any cycle type

· 4 additional advanced hardware triggers on address, data value, and cycle types, with ranges and masking supported

· Trigger-in/out signals

· Single line assembler and disassembler

· Load code and debug symbols including code, variables, and variable types

· Source level debug from IAR Embedded Workbench interface

· Standalone source debug interface (GUI) supports ZDS tools

FLASH PRO OEM product for Actel ProASIC and ProASICPLUS devices

FPGAView™ Software

Software for Configuring and Debugging Altera and Xilinx FPGA Devices with Tektronix Logic Analyzers

The FPGAView™ software is a PC Windows-based program


On-chip FS2 Bus Navigator™ Solutions for AMBA, OCP,

and Sonics SiliconBackplane Bus Systems

The FS2 Bus Navigator™ is used for monitoring signal activity and for debugging complex bus/system interactions in System-on-Chip designs. It allows the user to capture bus activity in real-time and display critical information for analysis on a host PC.

The system consists of an On-chip Instrumentation (OCI®) synthesizable logic block, a JTAG hardware probe, and PC based software for controlling probing and analysis. The OCI passively captures bus activity, buffers it using on-chip RAM, and transfers the collected data off-chip via a JTAG port to the external JTAG probe. The host PC controls the trace collection process and provides captured bus history to the user with an easy-to-use graphical interface. The system runs on a Windows® 2000/XP PC over a USB 2.0 or optional 10/100 Ethernet port. It provides a comprehensive debug tool for complex SoC bus designs at a competitive price.

Key Features

· Captures bus activity in real-time

· Available for AMBA, OCP, and Sonics SiliconBackplane buses

· Captures bus signals and additional user-defined inputs attached to other nodes in the SOC

· Bus clock mode trace stores signals on every clock

· Bus transfer mode aligns bus transfers and response phases for single event triggering using combinations of address, data, and control

· Filtering of wait and idle state cycles in bus transfer mode

· Trace storage qualifiers; single cycle, start or stop trace on any trigger, counter, and state sequencer condition

· Configurable for user defined number of Masters

· Trace buffer stores bus cycles or bus transfers based on RAM memory size

· Up to 16 user defined triggers recognize combinations of 1, 0, X, signal values

· Sequential event monitoring using cascadable trigger states (2 to 16 states)

· Two 32-bit event counter/timers

· Trigger conditions include bus and user defined signals, Event counter/timer value, and Trigger state

· Actions include Trigger, Trace control (start, stop, single), Trig Out control (pulse, assert, negate), Counter control (increment, start, stop, clear), and Goto state

· Trigger position variable in 1/512 increments of trace depth

· User difinable timestamp records duration of each trace frame from the start of trace, displayable as absolute or delta times

· Automatic trace clock frequency measurement allows displaying frame durations in either nanoseconds or clocks

· Multiple external trigger in/out with configurable logic levels

· Easy-to-use graphical software interface with state views and waveform views of data

· Symbolic lookup and signal value naming support for ease of viewing and analysis

· Optional VCD format export for integration with simulation environments

Cadence Emulation Tools Support

Integrating Instrumentation Tools into System-Level Verification Flows. This is a PowerPoint presentation.2100433B









松下 NR-C380TX-XN











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