ISBN | 9781564968296 | 作 者 | Elana Frankel |
出版时间 | 2001年11月 | 页 数 | 143 |
定 价 | 90.00元 |
Just as fashion has the simple black dress that hangs in every woman's closet, interior design and decorating have their own classics of design. These are the hard-to-pin-down classic elements that make a room look great, from the Noguchi coffee table to the utilitarian Emeco dining room chair, from the camel-back sofa to the sleigh bed, from the Venetian glass chandelier to Ph...(展开全部) Just as fashion has the simple black dress that hangs in every woman's closet, interior design and decorating have their own classics of design. These are the hard-to-pin-down classic elements that make a room look great, from the Noguchi coffee table to the utilitarian Emeco dining room chair, from the camel-back sofa to the sleigh bed, from the Venetian glass chandelier to Philippe Starck's colorful plastic table lamp. These are the pieces professional designers count on and count IN as building blocks for making rooms beautiful: classic chairs, tables, lounges, beds, storage, and accessories. This book reveals the ten design must-haves in seven classic categories, and shows readers how to use the shapes, furniture, colors, textures, and accents to make the right decisions in all your decorating.2100433B
最好是要有美术基础的,没有美术基础不能说明你不能做好室内设计,当然,有美术基础你也不一定能做好室内设计。 以下有几点: 1.多培养自己的美感,以后有时间还是要学学美术的。 2.要会用3...
学习室内设计必须了解社会、了解时代,优秀的设计作品也正是源于好的设计意识。 一、室内设计的内容分类 室内设计是一门综合科,内容广泛,专业面广,大致分为以下四个部分: 1.空间形象设计,就是对建筑所提供...
室内设计论文: 探讨现代室内设计 摘要 :在经济奢件日益改善的情况下 ,人们对家居装修不再追求豪华和照搬别家样式 ,而 是有了更高的精神层面要求 ,本文着重从空间类型进行了探讨。 关键词 :空间功能形式