SL 25-2006 Design Specification for Stone Masonry Dams(砌石坝设计规范英文版)

《SL 25-2006 Design Specification for Stone Masonry Dams(砌石坝设计规范英文版)》是水利水电出版社出版的图书,作者是Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China(中华人民共和国水利部)

SL 25-2006 Design Specification for Stone Masonry Dams(砌石坝设计规范英文版)基本信息

ISBN 9787517081142 作    者 Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China(中华人民共和国水利部)
出版社 水利水电出版社 定    价 280元
装    帧 平装-胶订

SL 25-2006 Design Specification for Stone Masonry Dams(砌石坝设计规范英文版)造价信息

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SL 25-2006 Design Specification for Stone Masonry Dams(砌石坝设计规范英文版)常见问题

SL 25-2006 Design Specification for Stone Masonry Dams(砌石坝设计规范英文版)文献

砌石坝设计规范(SL25-2006) 砌石坝设计规范(SL25-2006)



页数: 69页

评分: 4.6


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页数: 69页

评分: 4.8



To keep pace with development of stone masonry dam construction and standardize the design of stone masonry dams, Design specification for stone masonry dams (SL25-91) is revised to this Code so that the stone masonry dam design could be safe and applicable, economically viable, technology updated and quality ensured. This Code is applicable to the design of Class 2 and Class 3 masonry dams for large and medium water resources and hydropower projects or Class 4 and Class 5 masonry dams over 50m high. It may also be used as a reference for the design of other masonry dams.

Introduction to English Version


1 General Provisions .

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 Dam Materials and Design Indexes of Stone Masonry

3.1 Dam Materials

3.2 Design Indexes of Stone Masonry

4 Loads and Load Combinations

4.1 Loads

4.2 Load Combinations

5 Stone Masonry Gravity Dam

5.1 Dam Layout

5.2 Dam Structure

5.3 Calculation of Dam Sliding Stability

5.4 Calculation of Dam Stresses

5.5 Dam Temperature Control and Crack Prevention

6 Stone Masonry Arch Dam

6.1 Dam Site, Dam Axis and Dam Layout

6.2 Dam Stress Analysis

6.3 Abutment Stability Analysis

6.4 Temperature Control

7 Dam Seepage Control

7.1General Provisions

7.2 Impervious Concrete Face Slab and Core

7.3 Seepage Controlof Dam Body

7.4 Transverse Joints, Water Stop and Drainage

8 Treatment of Dam Foundation

9 Dam Structure

9.1 Crest Layout and Transportation

9.2 Galleries and Openings

9.3 Joints, Drainage and Foundation Bedding

10 Safety Monitoring Design

10.1 General Principles

10.2 Monitoring Items and Monitoring Facility Layout

Annex A Main Mechanical Indexes of Stone Masonry

Annex B Test Methods of Deformation (Elastic) Modulus and Compressive Strength of Stone Masonry

Annex C Calculation Formulas of Loads

Annex D Time Limitation for Calculations of Sedimentation in Front of Dam

Annex E Safety Factors of Deep Sliding Stability and the Formulas for Stone Masonry Material Mechanics Dam Foundation

Annex F Stress Calculations of Stone Masonry Gravity Dam with the Gravity Method, Considering the Distinct Elastic Moduli of Face Slab and Stone Masonry

Annex G Calculation of Stresses of Gravity Block and Thrust Block with the Material Mechanics Method

Explanation of Wording


This specification is formulated to standardize the engineering design of roller compacted earthrock fill dams to achieve the purposes of engineering safety, economy and rationality, and state-of-the-art technology.

This specification is applicable to the design of roller compacted earth-rock fill dams of Class 1 (the most important class) , Class 29 Class 3 and dams below Class 3 but higher than 30m. Special researches shall be performed for particularly important roller compacted earth-rock fill dams.

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