This specification is formulated to standardize the design of hydraulic tunnels and ensure the design quality with the view of making use of the state-of-the-art technology, meeting the requirements for safety, applicability, cost-effectiveness, and rationality.
This specification is applicable to the design of Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 hydraulic tunnels in water resources and hydropower projects, but not applicable to the design of hydraulic tunnels with steel linings in rock/soil mass.
Introduction to English Version
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic Data
4 Layout of Tunnels
4.1 Selection of Tunnel Alignment
4.2 I,ayout of Tunnel Inlets and Outlets
4.3 Layout of Multipurpose Tunnels
5 Pressure Status, Shape and Size of Tunnels
5.1 Selection of Pressure Status
5.2 Cross-Sectional Shape
5.3 Cross-Sectional Size
6 Hydraulic Design of Tunnels
6.1 Principle of Calculation
6.2 Cavitation Damage Prevention Design of High- Velocity Tunnels
7 Design of Soil Tunnels
7.1 Supports and I_inings of Soil Tunnels
7.2 Joints, Seepage Control and Waterstops for the Linings of Soil Tunnels
8 Design of Tunnels in Poor Ground
9 Tunnel Supports and Linings
9.1 General
9.2 Loads and Load Combinations
9.3 Unreinforced- and Reinforced-Concrete Linings
9.4 Prestressed Concrete Linings
9.5 Unlined and Bolt-Shotcrete Lined Tunnels
9.6 Design of Reinforced Concrete Lined Bifurcation
9.7 Jointsin Linings
9.8 Design of Water-Retaining Plugs
10 Grouting, Seepage Control and Drainage of Tunnels
10.1 Grouting
10.2 Seepage Control and Drainage
11 Tunnel Operation and Maintenance
Annex A Head Loss Calculation for Hydraulic Tunnels
A.1 Friction Losses
A.2 Form Losses
Annex B Cavitation Damage Prevention Design of High-Velocity Tunnels
Annex C Calculation Method and Reduction Coefficient of External Water Pressure
Annex D Calculation of Concrete Lining Crack Width
Explanation of Wording
1)DL/T5099-1999《水工建筑物地下开挖工程施工技术规范》 。 2)GB50086-2001《锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范》 。 3)GB6722-2003《水工建筑物水泥灌浆施工技术规范》 ...
0 水工隧洞设计与施工 专 业:水利水电建筑工程 指导老师: 胡敏辉 班 级: 水工 1303 班 姓 名: 王国烽 学 号: 1310143 组 别: 第六组 2015 年 11 月 水工隧洞设计与施工(水工 1303 第六组) 1 成员名单 水工隧洞设计与施工(水工 1303 第六组) 2 目录 一、工程概况 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 工程简介 ............................................................................................................................................3 1.2 地形及水 文条件 ............
《DL/T 51952004 英文版》为Specification for Design“水工隧洞设计规范(DL/T 5195-2004)(英文版)”。《DL/T 51952004 英文版》由中国电力出版社编著。2100433B
(1)主要成分 改性环氧树脂。
(2)性状 胶液、胶膜或胶棒。
SL系结构胶型号 SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 SL-4 SL-5
剪切强度/MPa 材料断材料断≥40 材料断材料断
不均匀扯离强度/(N/cm) ≥800 ≥1050≥1000~750
剥离强度/(N/cm) ≥90 ≥80 ≥150 ~100 85
SL系结构胶型号 SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 SL-4 SD5
—600℃ 材料断材料断≥40 材料断材料断
100℃ ≥22 ≥35
180℃ ≥260 ≥31
230℃ 14
(5)存储要求 胶液密闭贮存,胶膜用塑料薄膜隔开封装,胶棒装在塑料袋中。贮存于避光阴凉处,贮存期12个月。 2100433B
◆ SL升流器是由输入绕组(220V、±)、输出绕组(100A以下)及穿心绕组组成。
◆ 输出容量与输出电流和每匝电压的乘积的比值既为在此输出电流情况下允许穿心的最大匝数。
◆ 输出电流是指穿心绕组允许通过的额定电流。当穿心多匝时,SL升流器允许通过的额定电流将成反比下降。
◆ 带脚轮,便于搬运。
◆ 容量:0.5kVA~30kVA
◆ 允许额定电流下长期工作
◆ 允许过载1.5倍,连续工作30分钟。2100433B