书 名 | 水工建筑物水泥灌浆施工技术规范 | 出版社 | 中国电力出版社 |
出版时间 | 2008年3月1日 | 页 数 | 65 页 |
开 本 | 32 开 | 装 帧 | 平装 |
ISBN | 9787508367408 | 正文语种 | 英语 |
尺 寸 | 19.6 x 13.4 x 0.4 cm | 重 量 | 82g |
1 Scope
2 Quoted Standards
3 Terms
4 General
5 Grouting Materials,Equipment and Grouts Preparation-
5.1 Grouting materials and grouts
5.2 Grouting equipment.devices and tools
5.3 Grout preparation’
6 Rock Mass Grouting for Dam Foundation
6.1 General stipulations
6.2 Drilling holes
6.3 Fissure washing and water pressure test
6.4 Grouting methods
6.5 Grouting pressure and grout mix
6.6 Grouting finish and hole sealing
6.7 0rifice—closed grouting method
6.8 Treatment of special situations
6.9 Quality inspection
7 Tunnel Grouting
7.1 General stipulations
7.2 Backfill grouting
7.3 Consolidation grouting
7.4 Contact grouting for steel liner
7.5 Quality inspection
8 Joint Grouting for Concrete Dam
8.1 Generai stipulations
8.2 Arrangement for grouting system
8.3 Installation of grouting system
8.4 Check and maintenance for grouting system
8.5 Preparation before grouting
8.6 0peration ofgrouting
8.7 Treatments of special situations
8.8 Quality inspection
9 Contact Grouting for Bank Slope
10 Completion Data and Acceptance
Appendix A Water Pressure Test for Grouting Works 2100433B
1 Scope
2 Quoted Standards
3 Terms
4 General
5 Grouting Materials,Equipment and Grouts Preparation-
5.1 Grouting materials and grouts
5.2 Grouting equipment.devices and tools
5.3 Grout preparation'
6 Rock Mass Grouting for Dam Foundation
6.1 General stipulations
6.2 Drilling holes
6.3 Fissure washing and water pressure test
6.4 Grouting methods
6.5 Grouting pressure and grout mix
6.6 Grouting finish and hole sealing
6.7 0rifice-closed grouting method
6.8 Treatment of special situations
6.9 Quality inspection
7 Tunnel Grouting
7.1 General stipulations
7.2 Backfill grouting
7.3 Consolidation grouting
7.4 Contact grouting for steel liner
7.5 Quality inspection
8 Joint Grouting for Concrete Dam
8.1 Generai stipulations
8.2 Arrangement for grouting system
8.3 Installation of grouting system
8.4 Check and maintenance for grouting system
8.5 Preparation before grouting
8.6 0peration ofgrouting
8.7 Treatments of special situations
8.8 Quality inspection
9 Contact Grouting for Bank Slope
10 Completion Data and Acceptance
Appendix A Water Pressure Test for Grouting Works
出版社: 中国电力出版社; 第1版(英文版) (2008年3月1日)
平装: 65页
正文语种: 英语
开本: 32
ISBN: 9787508367408
条形码: 9787508367408
尺寸: 19.6 x 13.4 x 0.4 cm
重量: 82 g
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精品文档 精品文档 水工建筑物水泥灌浆施工技术规范 DL/T5148-2001 目 次 前言 1 范围 2 引用标准 3 名词和术语 4 总则 5 灌浆材料、设备和制浆 6 坝基岩体灌浆 7 隧洞灌浆 8 混凝土坝接缝灌浆 9 岸坡接触灌浆 10 竣工资料和工程验收 附录 A(标准的附录) 灌浆工程压水试验 附录 B(提示的附录) 灌浆工程施工记录及成果图表 条文说明 前言 中华人民共和国水利部、电力工业部 关于颁发《水工建筑物水泥灌浆施工技术规范》 SL62-94的通知 水建[ 1994」246号 为推动水利水电工程水泥灌浆技术的进步,提高水泥灌浆施工质量,水利部委托原水工程咨询中心, 对原水利电力部部标准《水工建筑物水泥灌浆施工技术规范》 SDJ210-83 进行了修订。该规范修订送审稿 已通过审查,现批准为行业标准,编号为 SL62-94,合一九九四年十月一日起