Back-bolt type
Connecting mode--Non-stressing expansion stainless steel anchor connection is applied, which provide safety and reliability.
Installation structure--Flexible suspending connection is adopted, which bring reliable seismic resistant capability. It is adjustable in multi-directions, and has smooth surfaces and neat interconnections.
Architectural effects-nature and brightness of stone create a gracious and lustrous outline of the building facades
Splint system
Connecting mode--This system utilizes aluminum alloy splint connection. The cementation is completed in the factory and the quality is ensured.
Installation structure--Hitching structure in this type allows 3D adjustment. Installation with elastic gasket can realize flexible connection and improve seismic resistance performance.
Architectural effects-nature and brightness of stone create a gracious and lustrous outline of the building facades.
Continuous groove system
Connecting mode-the utility of continuous aluminum alloy molding enhances system safety and strength effectively.
Installation structure--3D adjustment is available in installation, which makes sure the curtain wall surfaces and interconnections appear smooth and neat.
Architectural effects-the nature and brightness of stone create a gracious and lustrous outline of the building facades
Back-bolt type
Connecting mode--Non-stressing expansion stainless steel anchor connection is applied, which provide safety and reliability.
Installation structure--Flexible suspending connection is adopted, which bring reliable seismic resistant capability. It is adjustable in multi-directions, and has smooth surfaces and neat interconnections.
Architectural effects-nature and brightness of stone create a gracious and lustrous outline of the building facades
Splint system
Connecting mode--This system utilizes aluminum alloy splint connection. The cementation is completed in the factory and the quality is ensured.
Installation structure--Hitching structure in this type allows 3D adjustment. Installation with elastic gasket can realize flexible connection and improve seismic resistance performance.
Architectural effects-nature and brightness of stone create a gracious and lustrous outline of the building facades.
Continuous groove system
Connecting mode-the utility of continuous aluminum alloy molding enhances system safety and strength effectively.
Installation structure--3D adjustment is available in installation, which makes sure the curtain wall surfaces and interconnections appear smooth and neat.
Architectural effects-the nature and brightness of stone create a gracious and lustrous outline of the building facades
HydrillaRich.黑藻属,水鳖科,属真核植物,只有黑藻 H.verticillata(L.f.)Royle1种,广布于东半球,我国分布亦广。沉水草本;茎延长,纤细;叶线形,轮生;花小,单性。雄花单生,具短柄,生于近球形的佛焰苞内,萼片、花瓣和雄蕊均3枚。雌花1至2朵,无柄,生于一管状、2齿裂的佛焰苞内,花被与雄花相似,但较狭。子房延伸于苞外成一线状的长喙,1室,花柱2或3;果锥尖,平滑或有小突点。本植物常见于水塘中,为淡水鱼类很好的饲料。摘取新鲜叶一片盛干水中,置显微镜下观之,即可见叶绿素粒回旋地转动。轮叶黑藻是黑藻主要类型。轮叶黑藻为雌雄异体,花白色,较小,果实呈三角棒形。秋末开始无性生殖,在枝尖形成特化的营养繁殖器官鳞状芽苞,俗称"天果"或"磷芽",根部形成白色的"地果"(又称块茎)。冬季天果沉入水底,被泥土污物覆盖,地果入底泥3~5厘米,地果较少见。冬季为休眠期,水温10℃以上时,芽苞开始萌发生长,前端生长点顶出其上的沉积物,茎叶见光呈绿色,同时随着芽苞的伸长在基部叶腋处萌生出不定根,形成新的植株。待植株长成又可以断枝再植。