Puerto Rico is best known for pina coladas and Salsa music but it is also home to beautiful examples of Spanish Colonial and modern Caribbean architecture. In recent years, the tile industry in Puerto Rico has seen a revival of traditional designs and a new wave of tile design. This book contains stunning examples of tile designs from Puerto Rico. The enclosed CD contains the images for use as a graphic resource or for inspiration. The files can be used for high-quality printed media, web page design, to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. For many applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult the introduction to this book or visit our website for more detailed information.
Puerto Rico is best known for pi?a coladas and Salsa music but it is also home to beautiful examples of Spanish Colonial and modern Caribbean architecture. Puerto Rico experienced a building boom at the beginning of the 20th century, just as the technology for designing and making hydraulic tiles was becoming popular in the Caribbean. In recent years, the tile industry in Puerto Rico has been seeing a revival of traditional designs and new wave of tile design. The designs featured in this book are based on historic designs from the height of Puerto Rican tile design in the first half of the 1900s.
Agile Rabbit Editionscontain stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-editing, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult our section on image rights for conditions.
餐厅的装修,对于整个家装工程而言,并不是什么大项目,其装修难度也相对较低。餐厅的装修要点,主要是集中在下面几个方面,下面就一起来跟随小编一起来学习下吧。 1 、色彩的配搭...
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针对复杂纹理类型纺织图案在四方连续设计方面难于处理的问题,提出一种四方连续纺织图案的数字化设计方法。以王氏瓷砖(Wang Tiles)算法为基础,对不同纹理类型的纺织图案进行调控,选择合适的块设计方式,利用约束边缘块拼贴方法,有效地解决了繁琐的四方连续的设计问题。与传统的人工方法相比,克服了四方连续处理在精确性方面的不足,大大提高了四方连续设计处理的速度。
图案设计 教案 5.3 图案设计 教学目标: 1 、经历对生活中全等图形拼成的图案进行观察、分析、 欣赏等过程,感受几何构图的优美,增强审美的意识 . 2 、认识全等图形在现实生活中的应用,能利用全等图 形进行一定的图案设计 . 教学重难点: 实际操作的能力与设计拼排图案意识的养成是重点,同 时设计出美丽图案的能力的培养是难点 . 教学用具: 剪刀、纸等操需用具 . 教学过程: 1. 展示一些有趣的图形和图案,引起学生对于本节课程 的兴趣 . 在生活中,我们经常看到由全等图形拼成的美丽图案 . 例如在给定的三角形上,画出小鱼形状的图形,利用它就可 以拼成下面这个美丽的图案 . 2 、根据课本中的图形设计出相应的图案: 充分让学生有展示的机会,让学生动手试一试 . 3 、学生根据课本中的做一做,自己设计一个有趣的图 案 . 从正方形出发,按下面步骤设计图案
卡尔玛赢得美国 Crowley Liner Services订单,为佛罗里达州Jacksonville和Port Everglades提供7台顶吊式重箱堆高机,为波多黎各圣胡安Crowley Puerto Rico Services提供8台正面吊。此项订单已录入卡哥特科2016年第二季度订单,计划于2017年第一季度交付。
Crowley正在大力投资采购新船、升级码头及发展码头系统和基础设施。为响应公司向地面运输转型的目标,投资计划还包括升级集装箱装卸车队。此次采购中的三台卡尔玛顶吊式重箱堆高机和所有正面吊都将配置自动锁(Twistlock Position)吊具,所有设备还将配有卡尔玛SmartFleet远程监控程序来提高运营能力。
卡尔玛平衡配重产品销售经理 Vincent Hruska表示:“卡尔玛在2015年成功向Crowley交付5台设备,此项订单是追加订单,这也表明了Crowley对卡尔玛产品的可靠性、Tier 3发动机和售后网络充满了信心。2015年卡尔玛向北美交付顶吊式重箱堆高机的数量达到历史新高,今年我们继续努力。”
卡尔玛DCF410 CGS顶吊式重箱堆高机起重能力为41吨,DRG450-60S5正面吊起重能力为45吨。两款设备均具有高起升能力、简易维护性和高可靠性。卡尔玛SmartFleet是一项远程监控及报告的程序,能实现更有效地管理集装箱装卸,减少停机时间并提升码头安全性。(本文来自卡尔玛)