中文名称 | 南亚枇杷(原变型) | 叶片 | 常绿乔木 |
叶片形状 | 长圆形、椭圆形或披针形 | 叶片长度 | 10-20厘米 |
N AN YA Vinyl Adhesive was reserved for the uses of rigid PVC products, as PVC pipe, PVC fitting etc. It suits the installation of PVC pipe lines during dif- ferent temperatures, by the way the product's quali- ties and physical properties are all apply to stan- dard CNS 6224. When the PVC pipe lines were installed by NAN YA Vinyl Adhesive, the PVC pipe lines will start to transfe
Bangladesh Label Numbe r on map Project Name Start Point End Point Diamete r (inches ) Length (Km) Capacity (1000b/d or bn cm) ----- ---- --------------- ------ ---------- -- ------- ----- ------- ----- ------ ---- -------- ----- G17 - - - Bakhrabad Dhakaa - - - G18 - - - Bakhrabad Chittag ong - - - G19 - - - Elenga Titus - - - G20 Second Gas Development Pro
齿叶枇杷 大花枇杷 倒卵叶枇杷 恒春台湾枇杷 栎叶枇杷 麻栗坡枇杷 | 南亚枇杷 南亚枇杷(原变型) 南亚枇杷四柱变型 南亚枇杷窄叶变型 怒江枇杷 枇杷 | 四柱南亚枇杷 台湾枇杷 台湾枇杷(原变型) 台湾枇杷恒春变型 台湾枇杷武葳山变型 腾越枇杷 | 武藏山台湾枇杷 香花枇杷 小叶枇杷 窄叶南亚枇杷 窄叶枇杷。 | |