如何辨别欧普照明灯具的真假呢? 第一:目前市场上所有的正宗欧普照明灯具全应该是广东中山出产,没有别的分部生产,请注意看外包装。 &nb...
辨别真假要看灯泡做工的质量,还有上面印刷的字体是否清晰明了,有的灯泡盒(如H4)上面会有编码,可以打免费电话查询。 买飞利浦灯泡要去专卖店买才有保障,我就是在专卖店进货的。
鉴别雷士灯具的方法: 雷士和普通灯具不同,正品雷士全部是带有地线的,电线还全部有保护套,普通灯具一般不带地线。 将灯管拿到灯光下进行透视,真品灯管粉层均匀,而假的则粉层粗糙。
编号: XK19-002 防伪技术产品生产许可证实施细则(三) (防伪材料产品) 2011年 1月 19日公布 2011 年 3月 1日实施 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 I 目 录 1 总则 . ................................................................... 1 2 工作机构 . ............................................................... 2 3 企业申请生产许可证的基本条件 . ........................................... 3 4 许可程序 . ........................................................
Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitation color) on a single fiber. The colors and the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber, but it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junction of the two adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short lines are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints.
Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitationcolor) on a single fiber. The colorsand the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber, but it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junction of thetwo adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short lines are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints.