作 者 | Elvin, George | ISBN | 9780471998495 |
页 数 | 255 | 定 价 | 632.00元 |
出版社 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 出版时间 | 2007-3 |
装 帧 | HRD |
Get the only comprehensive book about integrated practice in architecture, which is the collaborative design, construction and life-cycle management of buildings. Chapters are clearly organized around critical issues in integrated architectural practice, including teambuilding, project planning, communication, risk management, and implementation. Content from this book is available as an online continuing professional education course at http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-320255.html#integrated_practice. WileyCPE courses are available on demand, 24 hours a day, and are approved by the American Institute of Architects.
在行动中孕育责任 ——公民教育实践活动案例 建湖县实验小学 李益平 一、公民教育实践活动背景 公民教育是江苏省教研室引进的与美国公民教育中心合作开展的实践 活动项目,我校是市教科院确定的公民教育实践活动项目实验学校。该实践 活动的主旨是通过让学生以自发、自主、自由的方式,自觉地走进生活的世 界,主动地在多样化的社会大背景中进行真发现、实体验、细探究、真解决。 学生们在实践活动中增长知识,提高技能,使孩子们更加深刻理解我们所有 人能够共同努力把我们的社区建设得更加美好;提高了学生研究性学习和社 会实践的能力,培养学生胸怀天下、关注社会的责任感。我校五( 1)班是该 项目的实验班级,按照公民教育实践活动指南的要求,积极引导学生对“居 民生活小区里缺少消防设施,缺少消防通道的问题”进行实践研究,取得了 阶段性成果。 二、公民教育实践活动演示 2010年 6月 8日,建湖县实验小学的演播厅里, 学
positi on-related consum ption of civil serva nts ha s bee n swe pt by fina nce, consumer, regardl ess of cost, extravagance and waste in t he civil service position-relate d consumption, abuse , corr upti on a nd embe zzleme nt, corrupti on i s important. The n, under t he conditions of market economy, how t o reform the existing civil duty consumpti on manageme nt, expl ores a source to preve nt