Circulation chilled water system


Guarantee cooling water tower , cold water machine the platform waits for equipment to be in optimum operation state , effective the group controlling the microorganism bacterium , the creation restraining scale , the corrosion taking precautions against pipeline equipment's. Achieve the life time reducing energy consumption , prolonging equipment's purpose. Special case for investigation works out the water treatment scheme , adopt the special field compound water treatment preparation and perfect technical service system.

Risr-668A/B 杀菌灭藻剂

Risr-668A/B The sterilization extinguishes the algae medicinal preparation


Risr-LQ512Slow eclipse anti- filthy medicinal preparation


Risr-586Equipment cleansing agent

RO 纯水系统水处理制剂

RO pure water system water treatment preparation


Adopt the compound preparation having fine coordination treatment effect , can have an effect to prevent scale , the microorganism from gluing body's formation , improve systematic desalination rate , produce a water yield; Prolong RO film life time.

Risr-RO386 专用阻垢剂

Risr-RO386 special use hinders the dirty agent

Risr-RO387 专用清洗剂

Risr-RO387 special use washes an agent


Boiler water treatment preparation


Adopt the compound preparation having the fine coordination treatment effect , guard against boiler corrosion and fouling, the water quality stabilizing a boiler ensures that the boiler regularity works , reduces the boiler body consumption , prolongs whose life time.

Risr-GL668 复合锅炉水处理制剂

Risr-GL668 compound boiler water treatment preparation

Risr-GL658 清罐剂

Risr-GL658 cleans up the jar agent

Risr-GL638 碱度调整剂

Risr-GL638 Agent alkalinity is adjusted


Lacquer house circulation water treatment preparation


The medicament belongs to compound preparation have general broad dispersing ability, the paint residue dehydration nature that the person handles is fine , the lacquer residue handling is the treatment there being no sticky time as soon as stages such as roll a shape into a ball , easy to salvage. The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment. Can there be an effect's guarded against a paint sticky attach the harassment in what pipeline equipment brings about , at the same time, reduce wave middle COD contents , eliminate peculiar smell , improve an environment, life time prolonging recirculating water.

Risr-TZ618A 有机油漆树脂分散剂(漆雾凝聚剂)

Risr-TZ618A Organic paint resin dispersant (lacquer fog flocculating agent)

Risr-TZ618B 悬浮剂

Risr-TZ618B suspension agent


Waste water treatment preparation


Adopt the rational water treatment handicraft, the depth coordinating water's handles, water reclaims in processing water but reaching GB5084-1992 , CECS61-94 using water standard to wait , to be able to cycle for a long time to be put into use, save large amount of water resource.


Risr-601 environmental protection type COD special use eliminates an agent

MRisr- 2688重金属捕捉剂

MRisr-2688 heavy metal catches an agent


市场价 信息价 询价
材料名称 规格/型号 市场价
行情 品牌 单位 税率 供应商 报价日期
PKTower一体化污水处理设备 PKT-60,Ф3000mm×3000mm,材质304不锈钢,处理规模60m3/d 查看价格 查看价格


13% 鹏凯环境科技股份有限公司
PKTower一体化污水处理设备 PKT-25,Ф2000mm×3000mm,材质304不锈钢,处理规模25m3/d 查看价格 查看价格


13% 鹏凯环境科技股份有限公司
PKTower一体化污水处理设备 PKT-40,Ф2500mm×3000mm,材质304不锈钢,处理规模40m3/d 查看价格 查看价格


13% 鹏凯环境科技股份有限公司
PKTower一体化污水处理设备 PKT-120,Ф3400mm×4500mm,材质304不锈钢,处理规模120m3/d 查看价格 查看价格


13% 鹏凯环境科技股份有限公司
冷却水 300×300×300 查看价格 查看价格

13% 四川洁明之晨环保设备有限责任公司
冷却水 品种:冷却水箱;起订量:1台;类型:箱;品货号:80530030001;型号:WR-20; 查看价格 查看价格


13% 包头市沪力焊割设备材料有限公司
冷却水 品种:冷却水箱;起订量:1台;类型:箱;品货号:80530040003;型号:WR-7; 查看价格 查看价格


13% 包头市沪力焊割设备材料有限公司
PKTower一体化污水处理设备 PKT-5,Ф1200mm×3000mm,材质304不锈钢,处理规模5m3/d 查看价格 查看价格


13% 鹏凯环境科技股份有限公司
材料名称 规格/型号 除税
行情 品牌 单位 税率 地区/时间
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 汕头市2011年4季度信息价
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 汕头市2011年3季度信息价
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 广州市2011年1季度信息价
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 汕头市2010年3季度信息价
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 汕头市2010年2季度信息价
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 汕头市2010年1季度信息价
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 广州市2009年4季度信息价
自控热处理 查看价格 查看价格

台班 汕头市2009年2季度信息价
材料名称 规格/需求量 报价数 最新报价
供应商 报价地区 最新报价时间
幕墙用陶土板江苏 20mm、30mm超白色 江苏金久科技新材料有限公司|4000m² 1 查看价格 (冰箱白30MM)江苏金久科技新材料有限公司 黑龙江  哈尔滨市 2014-03-13
全智能水处理站(冷却水) DN500,带加药装置(三个手动蝶阀,一个加药装置)|1处 3 查看价格 上海凯士比泵有限公司 广东   2020-05-27
全程水处理器(冷却水处理) 处理流量1250m3/h,管径DN400,压力1.0pa,功率0.55KW,220V,落地式,外壳材质满足铜锌管控要求.|1套 1 查看价格 重庆群创环保工程有限公司 全国   2022-12-08
冷却水处理 SYS-1|1套 1 查看价格 佛山勇科机电有限公司 广西  南宁市 2019-07-30
江苏上上牌电缆 3×150+2×95|200m 1 查看价格 江苏上上电缆集团 广东  深圳市 2010-12-21
江苏凯帆的断路器报价 KFM2系列的报价|100和兴水泥厂 1 查看价格 凯帆回复的是KFM2-100S 100A/3300这个型号的价司 北京  北京市 2012-10-09
屏蔽线(江苏天城) 2×0.5|4000m 1 查看价格 江苏天诚线缆集团天津办事处 天津  天津市 2012-04-20
江苏上上牌电缆 YJV 3×2.5mm2|200m 1 查看价格 江苏上上电缆集团 广东  深圳市 2011-07-13

The mathematics pattern project scheme designs installation


The entire mathematic-rization pattern handling a project , adopting calculates , prevision designs , system expands waves of all kinds such as pure water, middle water , waste water to contain to go to the lavatory. Provide many cover schemes at the same time providing the customer reference , provide safety to the customer , have the effect , economy , run stable water treatment system , technical advice all self's life free of charge.

Energy conservation washes a project


(If a lot of water treatment facilities , facilities cooling down water tower , cold water aircraft crew , pool etc.) , the long-time running queen. Need to get effective washing. The purpose washing is to eliminate dirt in whose system , corrodes outcome , microorganism and their derivative etc. , improves systematic availability. Our company adopt the Risr-series equipment that development of technology through our own efforts develops to clean an agent , the characteristic is that special field special case for investigation washes effect well , safety is reliable , operation is convenient , whose staple is that high-effect innocuous substance , the natural decomposition period are short , whose ultimate decomposition outcome is simple. Can there be an effect's eliminated rust dirt , scale , improve heat exchanger efficiency, the lessening fluid loses , descends in pressure the head in equipment2100433B



循环冷却水处理 循环冷却水处理



页数: 未知

评分: 3

循环冷却水处理——由于空调冷却水系统的结垢、腐蚀和藻类滋生不是在短期内形成的,也不会在短期内对系统有破坏性的影响,所以,往往得不到运行管理人员足够的重视。另外 .由于空调冷却水系统比较简单,设计人员对其重视不够,并且,冷却水的处理是给排水专业和...

江苏常州一工厂冷却水箱爆炸2死1伤 江苏常州一工厂冷却水箱爆炸2死1伤



页数: 未知

评分: 4.5



RO 纯水系统水处理制剂

RO pure water system water treatment preparation

Adopt the compound preparation having fine coordination treatment effect , can have an effect to prevent scale , the microorganism from gluing body's formation , improve systematic desalination rate , produce a water yield; Prolong RO film life time.

Risr-RO386 专用阻垢剂

Risr-RO386 special use hinders the dirty agent

Risr-RO387 专用清洗剂

Risr-RO387 special use washes an agent


Circulation chilled water system water treatment preparation


Guarantee cooling water tower , cold water machine the platform waits for equipment to be in optimum operation state , effective the group controlling the microorganism bacterium , the creation restraining scale , the corrosion taking precautions against pipeline equipment's. Achieve the life time reducing energy consumption , prolonging equipment's purpose. Special case for investigation works out the water treatment scheme , adopt the special field compound water treatment preparation and perfect technical service system.

Risr-668A/B 杀菌灭藻剂

Risr-668A/B The sterilization extinguishes the algae medicinal preparation


Risr-LQ512Slow eclipse anti- filthy medicinal preparation


Risr-586Equipment cleansing agent


Boiler water treatment preparation


Adopt the compound preparation having the fine coordination treatment effect , guard against boiler corrosion and fouling, the water quality stabilizing a boiler ensures that the boiler regularity works , reduces the boiler body consumption , prolongs whose life time.

Risr-GL668 复合锅炉水处理制剂

Risr-GL668 compound boiler water treatment preparation

Risr-GL658 清罐剂

Risr-GL658 cleans up the jar agent

Risr-GL638 碱度调整剂

Risr-GL638 Agent alkalinity is adjusted


Lacquer house circulation water treatment preparation


The medicament belongs to compound preparation have general broad dispersing ability, the paint residue dehydration nature that the person handles is fine , the lacquer residue handling is the treatment there being no sticky time as soon as stages such as roll a shape into a ball , easy to salvage. The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment. Can there be an effect's guarded against a paint sticky attach the harassment in what pipeline equipment brings about , at the same time, reduce wave middle COD contents , eliminate peculiar smell , improve an environment, life time prolonging recirculating water.

Risr-TZ618A 有机油漆树脂分散剂(漆雾凝聚剂)

Risr-TZ618A Organic paint resin dispersant (lacquer fog flocculating agent)

Risr-TZ618B 悬浮剂

Risr-TZ618B suspension agent


Waste water treatment preparation


Adopt the rational water treatment handicraft, the depth coordinating water's handles, water reclaims in processing water but reaching GB5084-1992 , CECS61-94 using water standard to wait , to be able to cycle for a long time to be put into use, save large amount of water resource.


Risr-601 environmental protection type COD special use eliminates an agent

MRisr- 2688重金属捕捉剂

MRisr-2688 heavy metal catches an agent

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