中文名称 | 甲基丙烯酸酯清漆 |
甲基丙烯酸酯清漆methylacrylic clear Lacquer; methy-lacrylic varnish由甲基丙烯酸醋单体共聚树脂\增塑剂、有机溶剂和助剂制得的一类挥发性清漆。漆膜具有优良的耐候性、保光、保色性、耐水性及耐化学药品性,千燥快:主要用于塑料件及汽车修补漆的罩光。
CAS号: 146126-21-8英文名称: GLYCERYL POLYMETHACRYLATE英文同义词: 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, homopol...
丙烯酸 CH2=CH-COOH甲基丙烯酸 CH2=C-COOH | CH3 多出的这个甲基,可以改变很多性能,反应性能,力学性能,在酯类中...
PARSON ADHESIVES, INC. 3345 Auburn Road Suite 107 Rochester, MI 48309 Phone (248) 299-5585 Fax (248) 299-3846 Email: sales@parsonadhesives.com Web site: www.parsonadhesives.com PARTITE 7310 Methacrylate Structural Adhesive PARTITE 7310 is a two-component, 100% reactive structural adhesive specifically formulated for bonding thermoplastics, thermosets, metals and composite assemblies. FEATURE: ? Co
PARSON ADHESIVES, INC. 3345 Auburn Road Suite 107 Rochester, MI 48309 Phone (248) 299-5585 Fax (248) 299-3846 Email: sales@parsonadhesives.com Web site: www.parsonadhesives.com PARTITE 7310 Methacrylate Structural Adhesive PARTITE 7310 is a two-component, 100% reactive structural adhesive specifically formulated for bonding thermoplastics, thermosets, metals and composite assemblies. FEATURE: ? Co