R36/37/38Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
S26In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
S37/39Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection
中文名称:甲基丙烯酸正丁酯英文名称:n-butyl methacrylate;methacrylic acid n-butyl ester别 名:异丁酸正丁酯分子式:C8H14O2;CH2C(CH3)...
甲基丙烯酸丁酯(英文名称Butyl Methacrylate)常温下是一种无色、具有甜味和酯气味的液体,不溶于水,可混溶于醇、醚等多数有机溶剂。甲基丙烯酸丁酯属微毒类有机化工产品,吸入、口服或经皮肤吸...
密度 1.348
沸点 158 ºC
折射率 1.3605-1.3645
闪点 56 ºC
分子式 C8H8F6O2
分子量 250.14
PARSON ADHESIVES, INC. 3345 Auburn Road Suite 107 Rochester, MI 48309 Phone (248) 299-5585 Fax (248) 299-3846 Email: sales@parsonadhesives.com Web site: www.parsonadhesives.com PARTITE 7310 Methacrylate Structural Adhesive PARTITE 7310 is a two-component, 100% reactive structural adhesive specifically formulated for bonding thermoplastics, thermosets, metals and composite assemblies. FEATURE: ? Co
PARSON ADHESIVES, INC. 3345 Auburn Road Suite 107 Rochester, MI 48309 Phone (248) 299-5585 Fax (248) 299-3846 Email: sales@parsonadhesives.com Web site: www.parsonadhesives.com PARTITE 7310 Methacrylate Structural Adhesive PARTITE 7310 is a two-component, 100% reactive structural adhesive specifically formulated for bonding thermoplastics, thermosets, metals and composite assemblies. FEATURE: ? Co