书 名 | 建筑光线 | 作 者 | Henry Plummer |
类 别 | 英文原版书>Arts & Photography(艺术与摄影) | 原作品 | The Architecture of Natural Light |
出版社 | Thames & Hudson | 出版时间 | 2009年10月05日 |
页 数 | 256 页 | 定 价 | 222 元 |
装 帧 | 精装 | ISBN | 9780500342527 |
纸 张 | 胶版纸 | 正文语种 | 英文 |
Seen through the eyes of an architect-photographer, "The Architecture of Natural Light" is the first publication to consider the many effects of natural illumination in contemporary buildings. This comprehensive and thoughtful survey begins with a brief introduction to the history of architecture, seen through the advances and experimentation put forward by architects over the centuries. For all those seeking to or interested in creating space that transcends the physical, "The Architecture of Natural Light" is a powerful and poetic yet practical survey that provides an original and timeless approach to contemporary architecture.2100433B
Considers the many effects of natural illumination in contemporary buildings. This title begins with a brief introduction to the history of architecture, seen through the advances and experimentation put forward by architects over the centuries.
这种劳保用品很多都是用在工业上的啊,一般就是用来将东西打磨得平滑一点,又或者是让物品表面更加干净,毕竟在工业上,很多产品都会存在粉尘这类的,用这种线轮的话会 有炮管更多作用哦,有那种用尼龙做的,那个用...
怎样调适光线照射的角度? 无论是投光灯还是散光灯或是其他灯具,光线照射的角度是非常重要的,这关系到被照射物体的立体感、质感和美感,以及是否会产生刺眼的眩光。比如,给梳妆台配备灯具,应使光线从人脸部的两侧前方照射,看来非常舒服,或是从上部设小瓦数的荧光灯也较适宜。书桌上的光线不要直接反射到人的眼部,最好用不透光的灯罩遮住四周光线。安装在橱柜上的灯光,不要形成强光反射,那样会使人难以看清楚橱柜内部的物品。又如,投光灯照射的字画、摆设、工艺品,都应使之更具魅力,成为室内视觉中心,易于观赏,饰物艺术效果更加突出。总之,光线射入的角度应分清主次和用光的目的。 使光效与室内整体格调协调: 造型优美的灯具,应是室内很好的装饰与点缀,但还必须与室内的整体设计格调相协调。选择灯具,主要是看它的光效,也就是开亮以后灯光映照的效果。如果