书 名 | 景观设计的1000个细节 | ISBN | 9788499369099 |
页 数 | 296 | 出版时间 | 2012-6-1 |
原作名 | 1000 details in landscape |
"Landscape architecture applies cultural, artistic, technical, and scientifc knowledge to the design of an open space often integrated in the urban fabric. In this case, the goal is usually about bringing the city closer to na-ture. Through a commitment to preserve or improve the environment for human use and enjoyment, landscape architects take on the responsibility to create environments that, beyond their aesthetics and functions, show an appreciation and understanding of natural processes. These professionals thrive to bring together land and man-made objects usually with striking, creative imagination. The object of their work can be as varied as parks, gardens, waterfronts, courtyards, open spaces around public institutions, schools, hotels, hospitals, and airports. With the densifcation of cities and the lack of vacant spaces, landscape architects can see their territory of expertise expand to areas above ground level such as vertical gardens and rooftops. Regardless of the project type, the analysis of the site and the mapping of its features are the beginning of a creative process that fnalizes with thorough detailing which in turn, makes a landscape unique. This book is a compendium of examples that show how details help reinforce the general design concept and achieve a specifc desired effect. It takes you on a journey across the aesthetic, functional and construction aspects of landscape architecture to demonstrate how powerful design features can transform thematic ideas into awe-inspiring built realities. Based on the existing conditions of a specifc site, landscape architects use their creative abilities and knowledge to materialize their ideas through a design development that culminates with the selection of materials and the design of construction details. These details, which are key to the success of the project, can reinforce design ideas by means of the continuity and discontinuity of patterns; they can contribute to the overall form and geometry of the design; they can be designed to be long-lasting and fexible while enhancing the general design; they can anticipate the maintenance requirements to minimize future disruptions and maximize cost effectiveness.The materials included here have been selected for their capacity to inspire and propose innovative ideas on how to approach the design or construction of various aspects of landscape projects. The book is divided into the fol-lowing sections: Structures, which includes retailing walls and screens, surfacing and paving, fences, guardrails and railings, decks and boardwalks, pedestrian bridges, furniture and public art, and materials; Irrigation Design; Lighting Design; Pool Design and Water Features; and Planting. The latter includes comprehensive information on the selection and use of trees, plants, shrubs and herbs, and examples of planting design types.The details, in numerical order, are illustrated with color photographs, site plans, sections and numerous construction details. The images are accompanied by comprehensive captions that are, in some occasions, formulated as tips. This book is invaluable for architecture, garden, and landscape design students as well as for professionals who will fnd this book resourceful not only for understanding the work of the best contem-porary landscape architects, but also as an inspirational tool for their own design work.2100433B
这就类似马凳筋的三种形式,第二三种表示方法c8-1000;第一种表示c8@1000*1000 。。这样在区分就好区分了,c8-1000是线性,第二种是面性
1 景观设计手记之二 景观设计中水景的处理 子曰:“智者乐水,仁者乐山”,自古以来,水带给人的感受就是多变的,灵 动的,愉悦的,因此,留下了许多脍炙人口的千古佳句,从中我们可以看到完全 不同的水的景色:有“水何澹澹,山岛竦峙”的沧海之水,有“江中绿雾起凉波, 天上叠润巘红嵯峨。 水风浦云生老竹, 渚暝蒲帆如一幅”“日出江花红似火, 春来 江水绿如蓝”的江南水乡;也有“凿崖泄奔湍、雷转空山惊”的江河奔腾之水, 更有“泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔” “问渠哪得清如许 ,唯有源头活水来 .” “如鸣佩环,水尤清冽” 的清幽小潭 ,, 不胜枚举, 仅从这些古人留下的文学作 品中我们就可以看到人们对于水的热爱,因此,在现代的园林设计中,水景便自 然而然的成为了一个重要部分。 正像很多人感受到的,有了水,景观和环境仿佛有了灵气,因此,很多公园 和地产的项目在设计中就已经将水景作为了一个不可或缺的要
1 景观设计手记之二 景观设计中水景的处理 子曰:“智者乐水,仁者乐山”,自古以来,水带给人的感受就是多变的,灵 动的,愉悦的,因此,留下了许多脍炙人口的千古佳句,从中我们可以看到完全 不同的水的景色:有“水何澹澹,山岛竦峙”的沧海之水,有“江中绿雾起凉波, 天上叠润巘红嵯峨。 水风浦云生老竹, 渚暝蒲帆如一幅”“日出江花红似火, 春来 江水绿如蓝”的江南水乡;也有“凿崖泄奔湍、雷转空山惊”的江河奔腾之水, 更有“泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔” “问渠哪得清如许 ,唯有源头活水来 .” “如鸣佩环,水尤清冽” 的清幽小潭 ,, 不胜枚举, 仅从这些古人留下的文学作 品中我们就可以看到人们对于水的热爱,因此,在现代的园林设计中,水景便自 然而然的成为了一个重要部分。 正像很多人感受到的,有了水,景观和环境仿佛有了灵气,因此,很多公园 和地产的项目在设计中就已经将水景作为了一个不可或缺的要