Application Scope:
·The floors that are damp all the time of various industries, for basement, garage and so on.
·Various factories, warehouses and its first floor without damp-proof layer.
·Damp places such as underground parking lot, etc.
Product Features:
·Complete watered system, environment-friendly, healthy, easily to clean and wash, and bear little alkali, mildew and bacteria.
·Slightly ventilate, underground moisture resistant, easy to construct, seamless and dustproof.
·Tough coat, endurable and applicable for intermediate loading.
·Special water varnish added, thus reinforcing the rigidity of the surface, excellent coverage.
·Polish gentleness, nice and bright.
施工工艺 :
Construction Techniques:
·Polish , repair the floor to be constructed and get rid of the dust on it.
·Paint the prime materials on the ground with a roller brush or scrape with a trowel.
·Coat the mixed materials on the prime coating, and then polish after the putty is dry, and also the dust on the floor shall be removed.
·Epoxy putty coating.
·The finish shall have twice coatings.
技术指标 Technical Index:
测试项目 Test Items | 单位 Unit | 指 标 Index |
表干(25℃) | h | ≤3 |
实干(25℃) | d | ≤3 |
挥发性有机化合物 | g/L | ≤10 |
耐磨性(750g/500r) | g | ≤0.04 |
附着力 | 级 Class | ≤2 |
铅笔硬度 | H | ≥2 |
耐水性 | 48d | 无异常 |
耐碱性(10%NaOH) | 48d | 无异常 |
Application Scope:
·The floors that are damp all the time of various industries, for basement, garage and so on.
·Various factories, warehouses and its first floor without damp-proof layer.
·Damp places such as underground parking lot, etc.
Product Features:
·Complete watered system, environment-friendly, healthy, easily to clean and wash, and bear little alkali, mildew and bacteria.
·Slightly ventilate, underground moisture resistant, easy to construct, seamless and dustproof.
·Tough coat, endurable and applicable for intermediate loading.
·Special water varnish added, thus reinforcing the rigidity of the surface, excellent coverage.
·Polish gentleness, nice and bright.
施工工艺 :
Construction Techniques:
·Polish , repair the floor to be constructed and get rid of the dust on it.
·Paint the prime materials on the ground with a roller brush or scrape with a trowel.
·Coat the mixed materials on the prime coating, and then polish after the putty is dry, and also the dust on the floor shall be removed.
·Epoxy putty coating.
·The finish shall have twice coatings. 技术指标 Technical Index:
测试项目 Test Items |
单位 Unit |
指 标 Index |
表干(25℃) |
h |
≤3 |
实干(25℃) |
d |
≤3 |
挥发性有机化合物 |
g/L |
≤10 |
耐磨性(750g/500r) |
g |
≤0.04 |
附着力 |
级 Class |
≤2 |
铅笔硬度 |
H |
≥2 |
耐水性 |
48d |
无异常 |
耐碱性(10%NaOH) |
48d |
无异常 |
水性环氧平涂 水性环氧自流平 水性环氧防静电自流平 我国现阶段的工业地坪涂料基本上是溶剂型和无溶剂型环氧地坪涂料,溶剂型环氧地坪涂料含有较多的有机溶剂,这些有机溶剂在涂料的生产和施工阶段排入大气,...
(1) 高透水性、高透气性、高散热性。 可降低“城市热岛效应”。增加城市生活的舒适性。减少城市夏季为降温而付出的能源消耗。 材料的密度本身较低(15-...
- 虎鹰水性环氧地坪漆施工工艺 【地面处理】 地面打磨:使用打磨机将地面水泥渣子等高出地面的部分打磨平 整,清除地面灰土。对疏松地面和油污地面采用其他处理措施方法。 【底涂施工】 按说明书比例取相应的底漆 A B组分数量进行混合, 电动搅拌 2-3 分钟,熟化 5-10 分钟后加水 20-30%再搅拌均匀即可使用。底涂可采 用滚涂或刮涂,配制好的材料须在规定操作时间内使用完毕,底涂涂 装 2~4小时后,可进行中涂的涂装,底涂材料使用参考用量 0.08-0.15 /㎡左右。 【中涂施工】 先将中涂的 B组分搅拌均匀,按说明书配比比例取相应的 A B 组 分数量进行混合,并电动搅拌 3-5 分钟,熟化 5-10 分钟后加水 20-30%,边搅拌边加入石英砂(石英砂数量为 AB总量的 1-2 倍)充分 搅拌均匀即可使用。如果中涂要求做的更厚一些,可选择粒径大些的 石英砂和加入 0.5-1 倍