Dust Solutions, Inc(美)是基于干雾抑尘技术的抑尘设备,通过高性能喷嘴来产生1-100μm超细干雾颗粒,能充分增加与粉尘颗粒的接触面积,定向抑尘,消除粉尘及呼吸性粉尘的效果明显。BME干雾专家能够连续或间断地自动喷洒云状离子干雾,干雾有效喷射距离远,抗风能力强,形成一道捕捉、团聚粉尘的高效能云雾防尘墙。除此之外,干雾专家所形成的雾滴微细,耗水耗电量小,成本低,不影响后续工艺和成品的外观、质量,也延长了生产设备的使用寿命。
Dry Fog Systems
How does it work?
DSI technology uses a special air-atomizing nozzle that produces a very dry fog to agglomerate and remove airborne dust particles from various material handling and processing operations. The DSI system utilizes compressed air and plain water to produce these 1-10 micron droplets (true fog). These ultra-fine water droplets attach (agglomerate) to like size airborne dust particles, sometimes referred to as PM-10 (particulate matter 10 microns or smaller). Subsequently, the slightly wetted dust particles become heavy enough to be removed from the air and fall back into the process. It is important to note that we only wet the dust, not the material. This results in very low water and power consumption, requiring no expensive chemicals or significant wetting of the product (always less than 1/2 % by weight, typically no more than 0.1% moisture addition).
Where does it work?
DSI fog systems have proven to significantly reduce fugitive dust from a variety of material handling points, including conveyor transfer points, trippers, reclaimers, crushers, screens, truck dumps, railcar loading/unloading, ship loaders-unloaders, and ash silo discharge chutes. DSI systems can meet all requirements for explosion hazard areas. Freeze protection can be provided for systems operating in temperatures as low as -35 degrees F. Due to a phenomenon known as "cloud physics", fog droplets will not freeze due to their lack of mass!
What are the advantages?
There are many advantages to the DSI system, including ease of installation, simplified maintenance, and flexible system configuration. The overall capital investment and operating costs can be more affordable than the cost of ventilation and chemical type systems. Additionally, system performance is often superior.These advantages are the direct result of using easy to install, pre-assembled modular components housed in protective enclosures. We supply complete systems comprised of electrical controls, filtration, regulation, supply lines and nozzle mounts. If required, DSI can supply all necessaryancillary items including air compressors, air receiver stations, pumps, and self-cleaning secondary filtration systems.
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干雾抑尘技术是由DSI(DustSolutions, Inc美国)所研发并引导的一种优于通过传统喷雾除尘技术的先进技术,是具有25年干雾抑尘技术的公司,DSI技术发源地。是DSI综合抑尘方案的组成部分,已在矿山、电厂、港口、垃圾处理站等场所有了广泛应用。干雾抑尘技术是通过"云雾"化的水雾来捕捉粉尘,让水雾与空气中的粉尘颗粒结合,形成粉尘和水雾的团聚物,受重力作用而沉降下来,实现源头抑尘,可以有效解决局部封闭/半封闭状态下无组织排放粉尘的处理难题,如进料斗和给料机等装卸区域的除尘。
工具:电气焊 内螺纹的管 生料带用电气焊先把内螺纹的管焊到管道上,再用安装压力表
综采设备配套主要指液压支架、采煤机、刮板运输机配套。俗称三机配套。 选型正确先进、配套关系合理是综采设备配套的关键。 首先要满足生产能力要求;采煤机生产能力要大于工作面生产能力、运输机能力要大于采煤机...
1 工程技术规范及要求 一、招标内容 本体锅炉设备及相关配件的供应及安装调试 锅炉管道、配套附属设备的制作及安装调试 针对我项目的使用要求和功能, 根据本厂锅炉设备进行锅炉及其配套的设备进行深化设计和 选型,并附深化设计方案及设备安装施工方案 二、工期: 为确保 2012 年 月 日 交付使用,过程期间需与精装修单位密切配合,依照 工程实际进度,配合工程要求供货、安装,满足整体工程验收并交付使用的要求。 三、技术要求: 1、技术方案请详细阐明设计理念,可实现的各种功能,简单工作原理,相关计算书。各投 标单位报价时请注明设备、 技术参数、 主要配件、 品牌、产地、材质,性能指标及报价范围。 2、本工程系统为 “交钥匙工程” 。要求中标单位配合总包现场做预留, 负责设备安装、 调试, 试运转,达到验收标准。并要求出具管道预埋、工艺流程、平面布置等相关正式施工图纸 4 套。 3、暂定技术方案
粗格栅配套设备技术文件 1 用途 循环式齿耙粗格栅清污机安装在雨水泵站内,雨水泵站设有两条进水渠道, 分别安装一台循环式格栅除污机,用于拦截污水中颗粒较大的污物。 1.1 循环式齿耙粗格栅清污机安装工况条件及技术参数 工作介质 最大污水浓度 mg/L 介质温度 C pH ~ 环境温度 C 湿度 %~ % 渠道宽度 1.9m 渠道深度 5m 栅前水深 m 设备净宽 1.8m 齿耙间隙 20mm 过栅流速 0.80m/s 安装角度 α=75° 栅前后设计最大水位差 0.15m 控制方式 现场 /远方 运行方式 连续运行 /间歇运行 1.2 循环式齿耙清污机结构及性能 循环式齿耙粗格栅清污机, 由传动装置(电机、减速机、传动链轮与链条) 、 固定栅条,耙链系统(除污齿耙、牵引链)、支撑架体、清渣机构等部件组成, 并配现场电控箱(带就地远控转换装置)。 1.2.1 工作原理