书 名 | 国际工程承包和管理实务英语 | 作 者 | 戴若愚 |
出版社 | 西南交通大学出版社 | 出版时间 | 2009年12月01日 |
页 数 | 213 页 | 开 本 | 16 开 |
装 帧 | 平装 | ISBN | 9787564304997 |
作 者: 戴若愚 著
出 版 社: 西南交通大学出版社
ISBN: 9787564304997
出版时间: 2009-12-01
版 次: 1
页 数:
装 帧: 平装
开 本:
所属分类: 图书>外语学习>大学英语
《国际工程承包和管理实务英语》中总结了自己多年的国际工程管理英语运用的实际经验,采用第一手国际工程管理语言运用的范例,节选改编国际工程承包管理方面的国外著述和文献,撰写编排课文,内容的重点放在国际工程承包的工作程序和合同管理上,具体分为国际工程承包现状综述、我国国际工程承包的发展历史、国际工程承包中的跨文化交际、招投标程序、国际工程承包合同的形式和格式、国际工程承包合同各方和它们的责任、工程保险和保函、工程索赔、合同争议、争议的解决和仲裁、国际工程文件管理和书面交流等十个部分。从教学体例的安排上分为工程承包管理实务英语例文、词汇和短语、国际工程承包英语的语言特征、词汇训练、翻译训练等五个部分。 2100433B
课程名称:国际工程承包与管理 课程代码:6396 ...
《国际工程承包》课程结业论文 题目 我国国际工程承包的现状及应对策略 学生姓名 张利 学号 2012150214 专业 工程管理 班级 20121155班 任课老师 李新哲 批阅老师 李新哲 完成日期 2015 年 5 月 5 日 我国国际工程承包的现状及应对策略 三峡大学水利与环境学院 张利 【摘要】 国际工程承包是我国进行对外经济合作的重要形式,我国对外工程承 包从整体上来看具备了相当的规模 , 但相比国际工程承包市场的发展趋势 , 我国 对外承包工程还处于发展的初期阶段 , 存在着一些问题,需要分析其原因,并通 过政府相应的政策制定与完善; 企业自身的综合实力的提高, 使我国国际工程承 包行业步入新台阶。 【关键词】 国际工程承包; 现状; 存在问题; 策略 Abstract : International engineering contracting is an importa
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 International Construction Market,Opportunities and Risks
1.2 Project Delivery Process in International Construction
1.3 Communication,a Priority
Chapter 2 Chinese International Contractors
2.1 General
2.2 Chinese Government's Economic and Technical Aid before 1979
2.3 Emergence of Chinese International Construction Enterprises
2.4 Development of Multinational Enterprises
2.5 Categories of Contracts won By Chinese International Contractors
2.6 Major Problems and Dilemma
Chapter 3 Cross—Culture Communication in International Construction Engineering
3.1 Cross—culture Communication,Basic Concepts
3.2 Culture Shock &;amp; Adjustment/Adaptation
3.3 Cross—culture Communication Problems with Chinese Expatriates
Chapter 4 Tendering Methods and Procedure
4.1 Selection and Qualification of Contractors before/at Tendering
4.2 Tender Documents
4.3 Evaluation of Tenders and Award of Contract
4.4 Marketing Activities in Pricing Tender
Chapter 5 Types and Forms of Contract
5.1 Essential of a Valid Construction Contract
5.2 Types and Forms of Contract
5.3 FIDIC Conditions of Contract
Chapter 6 Parties to the Contract
6.1 The Employer
6.2 The Contractor
6.3 The Engineer
Chapter 7 Insurance,Bonds,and Guarantees
7.1 Insurance
7.2 Bonds &;amp; Guarantees
Chapter 8 Claims
8.1 Types of Claim
8.2 Causes of Claim
8.3 Preparation of Claim
8.4 FIDIC,Contractor's Claim
Chapter 9 Conflicts,Resolutions,and Arbitration
9.1 Conflicts and Disputes in Construction Projects
9.2 Resolution of Disputes
9.3 Nature and Procedure of Arbitration
Chapter 10 Communication in Writing on Construction Site
10.1 Project Correspondences
10.2 Minutes of Meetings(Decision Memoranda)
10.3 Project Reports
Answers to the Exercises
The local branch office may contract the project wholly or partially to a project team'who is from the same enterprise.Altematively,the head office may directly contract the project to a project team with a percentage for overhead charges.Subcontracting,on the other hand,is to contract the project to other companies at a percentage for overhead charges.These companies may be Chinese,local,or from other countries.In both cases,the head office will maintain overall control of the project performance and provide the necessary assistance to the project team such as the working capital,major equipment allocation,etc.
6 Major Problems and Dilemma
Different from other international construction firms,the first track record the Chinese counterparts presented to the local market was the economic-aid projects they executed,most of which left very deep impression upon the local people thus greased the entry for the Chinese firms.Instead of thorough investigations and evaluations of the markets and the strengthes of the firms themselves,the entries into the local markets were more like a continuation of the economic-aid projects,empirical not so rational.Many factors were neglected when they decided to participate in an internationai competitive bid,and the general patterns of behavior in market competition formulated and developed this way are more or less represented by the following:low tender price,and high expectation on recovery/profit from claim;low site management level,and high reliance on site staffs self-motivated performance;negligence of contract details,and randomness in the variation of clauses of the contract,all of wluch are detrimental to the implementation as proved by later execution of construction projects.As the norm/pattern persisted,Chinese firms suffered more and more losses in contrast with the big number of projects obtained.Many episodes of project termination by the employers were heard,and many Chinese contractors Withdrew from international market and diminished.2100433B