中文名 | 高层建筑沉降计算——理论与应用 | 出版社 | 科学出版社 |
Settlement Calculation on High-Rise Buildings——Theory and Application
xiangfu Chen 著 |
2011年2月出版 |
定价:100.00 |
语种:英文 |
标准书号:978-7-03-024336-2 |
装帧:精装 |
版本:第一版 英文版 |
开本:16开 |
责任编辑:童安齐 |
字数:400千字 |
读者对象:本科以上文化程度 |
页数:430 |
书类:理论专著/应用技术 |
册/包: |
编辑部:技术 |
附注: |
《Settlement Calculation on High—Rise Buildings: Theory and Application》 discusses,for the first time,the latest developments in settlement calculation theory and case studies including analysis and research results for more than thirty high-risebuildings with a height ofl00m一420m.Rigorously reviewed,this book provides a number of useful methods and a unique practical perspective on settlement calculation of high.rise buildings.It covers soft soil constitutive model and computation parameters、the theory of soilstress and strain.and new methods of settlement calculation in super long pile and space-varying rigidity group piles,box(raft),pile-box(raft),diaphragm wallpile-box(raft)and rock foundation on high-rise buildings.
This book is a useful design and construction resource for scientists and engineers,as well as for professionals in structural mechanics and geotechnical engineering. 2100433B
这个问题要分三种情况来讨论。要看你想计算基底以下哪一点的沉降量了。 第一种,如果是计算巨型基础底面拐角的沉降量,可直接按照基础长宽比查规范,用附加应力乘以相应的系数。 ...
高层建筑沉降观测的规范要求 变形控制测量 5.1 一般规定 5.1.1 &nb...
《高层建筑沉降计算:理论与应用(英文版)》内容简介:Settlement Calculation on High—Rise Buildings Theory and Application discusses,for the first time,the latest developments in settlement calculation theory and case studies including analysis and research results for more than thirty high-risebuildings with a height ofl00m一420m.Rigorously reviewed,this book provides a number of useful methods and a unique practical perspective on settlement calculation of high.rise buildings.It covers soft soil constitutive model and computation parameters、the theory of soilstress and strain.and new methods of settlement calculation in super long pile and space-varying rigidity group piles,box(raft),pile-box(raft),diaphragm wallpile-box(raft)and rock foundation on high-rise buildings.
This book is a useful design and construction resource for scientists and engineers,as well as for professionals in structural mechanics and geotechnical engineering.
This work is subject to copyright.All right are reserved,whether the whole or part of the material is conerned,specifically the rights of translation,repringting,reuse of illustrtions,recitation。
1 Introduction
2 Practical Models and Parameters for Settlement Calculation of Deep Foundation of Super High-Rise Buildings on Soft Subgrade
3 Mechanics in the Study on Deep Foundation Settlement of Super High-Rise Buildings
4 Theoretical Analysis of Subgrade Deformation of Deep Foundations of Super High-Rise Buildings
5 Settlement Calculation Methods and Case Studies of Box and Raft Foundations of Super High-Rise Buildings
6 Research on Settlement Calculation Method of Super-Long Pile Foundation
7 New Design Method for Space-Varying Rigidity Pile Group with Equal Settlement
8 Settlement Analysis and Case Study of Diaphragm Wall and Friction Pile-Box (Raft) Foundation on Super High-Rise Building
9 Settlement Analysis and Case Study on Rock Foundation and Combined Diaphragm Wall-end-Bearing Pile-Box (Raft) Foundation
10 Forecast and Suggestion of Research on Settlement Calculation
Name Index
Subject Index
The Mechanism for Calculation of Foundation Settlement 2100433B