书 名 | 第十一届结构工程国际研讨会论文集 | 作 者 | 崔杰 |
ISBN | 9787030295309 | 出版社 | 科学出版社 |
Volume Ⅰ
Volume Ⅱ 2100433B
室内设计软件:AutoCAD2004(常用)、3Dmax效果图建模、lightscape3.2渲染软件,photshop7。0图片处理软件。 学室内设计,首要先看懂设计图纸,AutoCAD软件一般画施...
英文版还是很长的,你可以慢慢学习,不要考虑一蹴而就。 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride ...
铃儿响叮当的英文版是由james pierpont演唱的,歌词大致为: jingle bells 歌手:james pierpont 专辑:merry christmas jingle bells...
第十一届国际桥梁和结构工程协会大会将于1980年8月31日~9月5日在奥地利维也纳召开。 工作会议议题;安全性设计;结构物板件特性对计算的影响;结构物理;结构工程中的美学;大型结构工程设计和施工的管理;在极限状态下的工程结构;适合的施工方法研究;大跨度桥梁工程发展趋势。
《第十一届结构工程国际研讨会论文集(英文版)(套装上下册)》是由崔杰、冯新、季平茹、金广腾编写,全书共分上下两册,主要收录了“第十一届诉讼结构工程国际研讨会”上的论文百余篇,具体内容包括《Structural Analysis》《FEM Analysis for Stiffness of Hollow Spherical Joints with Rib Stiffeners》《Seismic response Analysis for UHVDC Air Type Smoothing Reactors》《Energy Dissipation at Extemal Diaphragm Connection of 3D Steel Frames Used CHS Column and H-Shaped Beam under Cyclic Loading》等。
Volume Ⅰ
Structural Analysis
Punching Shear Resistance of Shearhead Connection between Flat Slab and Tubular Column
FEM Analysis for Stiffness of Hollow Spherical Joints with Rib Stiffeners
The Influence of Joint's Stiffness on Stability of Reticulated Shell
The Influence of Damping Ratio on Response Modification Factor and Displacement Amplification Factor
Experimental Study on Direct Performance-based Behaviour of High-Performance Concrete Shear Walls
Mechanical Property Discussing of Double-cellReinforced Concrete Rectangular Liquid-storage Structure under Temperature Effects
Parameter Determination About Loess Tunnel Analysis Model under Earthquake Action
Fragility Analysis Method for Irregular Plan Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures
Study on Relationship between Chloride Diffusion in Concrete and Time
Failure Risk Analysis for Levee Slope in Consideration of Influence of Immersional Wetting
Modified Solution Strategy of Framed Structures for Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis
Nonlinear Finite Element Anaylsis of Beam String Structure
Seismic response Analysis for UHVDC Air Type Smoothing Reactors
Experimental Study on Complete Stress-strain Curve of Expanded Polystyrene Lightweight Concrete under Uniaxial Loading
The Reliability of Workshops by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
Research on Shear Performance of Stiffened Steel Shear Wall with Slits
The Performance Index Limits for Ductile RC Shear Wall Components Based on Chinese Codes
Energy Dissipation at Extemal Diaphragm Connection of 3D Steel Frames Used CHS Column and H-Shaped Beam under Cyclic Loading
Response of Multiple-degree-of-freedom Flexible Structures to Random Excitation
Assessment of Probability of Collapse for an MRF Subjected to Near-Fault Ground Motions
Study on Influence of Stress Wave Effect for Impact Bifurcation Buckling of Axial Compression Bars with Different Boundary Conditions
Damage Mechanism of Reinforced Concrete Slab under Intemal Blast Loading
Research on Relations between Behaviour and Construction Parameters of Semi-rigid Connections
Analysis of Dynamic Characters of Xiaoyan Tower Based on Interaction of Soil and Structrue
Study on Frame Structure Vibration Control Mechanism oflnfill Walls as TMD
Yield Line Model for Predicting the Static Strength of Tubular T-Joints with Collar Plate Reinforcement
New Variable Structure Control with Compensator for Building Structure
The Effects of Time-dependent Behavior on Cable State of Existing Cable-stayed Bridge
The Finite Element Analysis of Double-tube Buckling Restrained Braces
Model Updating Using Substructural Modal Data
Spatial Integral Analysis of 330kV Substation Framework
Finite Element Analysis of Steel Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Beams Based on Bond-slip Relationship
Study on the Anchorage Length of the Steel Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Limit Analysis of Structures Containing Flaws Based on the Elastic Modulus Reduction Method
Shaking Table Tests and Numerical Analysis of Structural Model of China Pavilion for Expo 20 I0 Shanghai
Comparative Shaking Table Model Tests on the Soil-pile-structure Interaction System in Various Liquefiable Soils
Analysis of Moment Rotation Relationships of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Slabs