书名 | 第四届2010北京国际炼油技术进展交流会论文集 | 作者 | 大会组委会 |
ISBN | 9787511403179 | 页数 | 495 |
定价 | 100.00元 | 出版社 | 中国石化出版社 |
出版时间 | 2010-3 |
小弟初来乍到,初到广州,在这里给大家问好!!! 初次与大家聊天,就个人不才之拙见: 建筑设计定义: 首先要开这个主题会议,定义过大。希望缩小范围。 通常所说的建筑设计,是指“建筑学”范围内的工...
1 中国石油工业面向2015的发展趋势Trends in China's Oil Refining Industry Through 2015
2 改善燃油质量,清洁大气环境Improving Fuels Quality, Cleaning Atmospheric Environment
3 炼油厂投资项目选材研究A Review of the Materials Selection Process for Refinery Capital Projects
4 委内瑞拉超重油改质方案的探讨Quality Upgrading for Extra-Heavy Crude Oil from Venezuelan
5 常/减压蒸馏装置加工超重稠油指南A Guide to Processing Extra Heavy Oil in Crude/Vacuum Units
6 MBBR移动生物床反应器在炼油工业污水处理的长期运行Long-Term Operation of MBBR for Refinery Wastewater Treatment
7 大型加工装置可靠性管理Reliability Management of Large Scale Process Plants
8 探索炼厂扩能改造与油品质量升级的技术路线Studies on Technologies for Refinery Expansion and Oil Quality Upgrading
9 炼油厂热电联产方案Cogeneration Options for Refiners
10 提高炼油厂效益Increasing Refinery Profitability
11 加工高酸重质原油的炼油厂设备选型选材原则Materials and Equipment Type Selection for Refineries Processing High TAN
12 使用STARSRM催化剂生产低硫柴油的商业经验KNPC Commercial Experience with the Production of Low Sulphur Diesel Using STARS TM Catalyst
13 新一代加氢裂化技术一Sheer State of the art Hydrocracking Prcess-Sheer
14 通过原油调合和结垢控制降低常减压装置操作成本和二氧化碳排放Reducing Crude Unit Operation Costs and C02 Emissions Through Managed Crude Blending & Fouling Control
15 采用助剂控制催化裂化中硫化物的排放Controlling FCC Sox Emissions Using Additives
16 催化裂化烟气净化的可选技术路线An Alternative to FCC Flue Gas Scrubbers
17 通过蒸汽预闪蒸过程中的塔设备实现Tabriz炼油厂原油蒸馏装置节能与扩能Energy Saving and Increase Capacity in Crude Distillation Unit by Column Implementation in Vapour Stream Preflash Drum in Tabriz Oil Refinery
18 A New Technology for Cyclohexanone Oxime by One-Step Process for the Amoximation of Cyclohexanone
19 Study on the integrated technology (IHCC) of highly selective hydrogenation of FGO and highly selective FCC for maximization of liqu.id yield
20 渣油加氢一催化裂化双向组合工艺RICP:渣油及高芳香性重馏分油高效轻质化技术
21 增产航煤和提高尾油质量的加氢催化剂在200万吨/年加氢裂化装置上的应用
22 低再生温度高再生剂定碳操作法在燕山三催化的应用分析
23 炼厂氢气网络优化应用
24 轻质油储罐内壁腐蚀防护技术研究
25 使用柴油低温流动改进剂和脱蜡助剂改善炼油厂的经济性
26 中国炼化工程技术进展及发展趋势
27 丙烷脱沥青装置挖潜改造
28 生物预处理技术在炼油污水回用中的工业应用
29 汽油辛烷值促进剂异庚酯在汽油国Ⅲ/国Ⅳ调合中的工业应用
《第四届土木工程结构生命周期国际学术会议论文集(英文版)》内容简介:The objectives of the symposium are to provide art exhibition platform for the latest research progresses on the lifetime engineering of civil infrastructure, which have been achieved by scholars, researchers and the technical personnel in structural engineering.It also aims to highlight the exchange in terms of lifetime engineering of civil infrastructure, structural reliability and durability analysis, performance-based structural design and analysis, management of infrastructure, disaster prevention and reduction, and structural health monitoring and condition assessment. It still aims to study and discuss the new techniques and technologies applied in the sustainable development of major infrastructure and hence to promote the in temational cooperation and exchange and mutual understanding. 2100433B