作 者 | 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 编 | ISBN | 9787508397177 |
页 数 | 29 | 定 价 | 15.00元 |
出版时间 | 2009-12 |
The fracture toughness of concrete is a vital parameter forstability evaluation of crack propagation, crack resistance andanti-cracking designs of hydraulic concrete structure. Hence it isnecessary to prepare a standard to specify the test methods forfracture toughness of concrete.
This Standard is prepared based on test data about concretefracture collected in the world, conducting a lot of parallel tests,referring to the fracture test standards of other countries, holdingtechnical workshop and discussions focusing on this field, andconducting calculation and theoretical analyses.
This Standard specifies the requirements of wedge splittingmethod and three-point bending beam method. When both of the testmethods are employed simultaneously and result in discrepancies,three-point bending beam method shall prevail.
Appendix D of this Standard is normative; Appendix A, B, Cand E are informative.
This Standard is proposed by China Electricity Council.
This Standard is under the jurisdiction and the explanation of theTechnical Committee of Standardization for Hydropower Construction ofElectric Power Industry.
Chief drafting organization: Hohai University.
《中华人民共和国电力行业标准(DL/T5332-2005):水工混凝土断裂试验规程(英文版)》内容简介:This Standard is prepared by requirement of "Notice on Printing theDevelopment and Revision Plan of Professional Standards"(Document 739, General Office of the National Development andReform Commission [2005]).
目录1 总则………………………………………………………………………(1)2 土的工程分类(M0101-93)……………………………………………(2)2.1 一般规定2.2 巨粒土分类2.3 粗粒土分类...
在水工结构中,经常会在围堰防渗墙处使用塑性混凝土。该处塑性混凝土的要求往往是低强,低弹模。3-5MPa,1000-3000Mpa的弹模。混凝土配合比设计中也添加入膨润土之类的外掺料。 而进行塑性混凝土...
水工混凝土试验规程 SD 105-82 (七 )~(八) 长江委信息研究中心馆藏 1 水工混凝土试验规程 SD 105-82 ( 七)~(八) 第七章 水质分析 第八章 外加剂 目 次 第七章 水质分析 第 7. 0. 1 条 [701 -80] 水样的采集与保存 第 7. 0.2 条 [702(1)-80] pH 值测定(电位法) 第 7. 0.3 条 [702(2)-80] pH 值测定(比色法) 第 7. 0.4 条 [703 -80] 碳酸含量测定 第 7. 0.5 条 [704 -80] 碱度测定 第 7. 0.6 条 [705 -80] 硬度测定 第 7. 0.7 条 [706 -80] 钙离子含量测定 第 7. 0.8 条 [707 -80] 镁离子含量测定 第 7. 0.9 条 [708(1)-80] 氯离子含量测定(摩尔法) 第 7. 0 .10
《DL/T 5151-2001水工混凝土砂石骨料试验规程(英文版)》主要内容:revised for the second time,to meet the need of the development of hydropower and water conservancy construction in China,and to coordinate with the development of standards of same categories at home and abroad.The original code was amended,supplemented and divided into Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete.Test Code for Aggregates of Hy draulic Concrete and Analytical Test Code for Water Quality of Hydraulic Concrete.The original Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete SD 105-1982 is replaced by the three newly published codes,with the original Chapter 3,"Aggregates"replaced by Test Code for Aggregates of Hydraulic Concrete DL/T 5151-2001.
《DL/T 5151-2001水工混凝土砂石骨料试验规程(英文版)》主要内容:revised for the second time,to meet the need of the development of hydropower and water conservancy construction in China,and to coordinate with the development of standards of same categories at home and abroad.The original code was amended,supplemented and divided into Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete.Test Code for Aggregates of Hy draulic Concrete and Analytical Test Code for Water Quality of Hydraulic Concrete.The original Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete SD 105-1982 is replaced by the three newly published codes,with the original Chapter 3,"Aggregates"replaced by Test Code for Aggregates of Hydraulic Concrete DL/T 5151-2001.
《DL/T 5151-2001水工混凝土砂石骨料试验规程(英文版)》主要内容:revised for the second time,to meet the need of the development of hydropower and water conservancy construction in China,and to coordinate with the development of standards of same categories at home and abroad.The original code was amended,supplemented and divided into Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete.Test Code for Aggregates of Hy draulic Concrete and Analytical Test Code for Water Quality of Hydraulic Concrete.The original Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete SD 105-1982 is replaced by the three newly published codes,with the original Chapter 3,"Aggregates"replaced by Test Code for Aggregates of Hydraulic Concrete DL/T 5151-2001.