Dr. Peter Wilson is part of the Electronic Systems Design research group within the School of Electronics & Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. He worked for many years as a Senior Design Engineer in industry with Ferranti plc (Edinburgh, Scotland) and as an EDA technical specialist with Analogy Inc. (Beaverton, Oregon), before joining the University of Southampton in 1999. He currently lectures on analogue electronics, integrated circuit design, cryptography, and System-on-Chip design techniques and is leading the School's new MSc in system on a chip. He is also a consultant for Integra Design Ltd. In various aspects of embedded systems including design and modeling with VHDL, Verilog, Verilog-AMS and VHDL-AMS.
This is a compendium of practical advice and pointers - a unique masterclass in practical product design that bridges the gap between theory and implementation. It is an invaluable companion for circuit designers and practicing electronics engineers - gives best practices, design guidelines and engineering knowledge gleaned from years of experience. It includes practical, real-world considerations for components, PCBs, manufacturability, reliability and cost, enabling engineers to design and troubleshoot faster, cheaper and more effectively. It contains new material on design tools, high-speed circuits, variability and tolerances, noise, simulation methods, and testing. The third edition of this classic work on circuit design gives engineers the understanding and practical know-how to produce optimized, reliable, cost-effective electronic circuits. It bridges the gap between the theoretical learning that most university courses provide and the practical knowledge and application that comes from years of experience. Topics covered include analog and digital circuits, component types, power supplies and printed circuit board design, plus new coverage of the latest advances in electronics since the previous edition published. "The Circuit Designer's Companion" is ideal for Professional electronics design engineers, advanced amateur electronics designers, electronic engineering students and professors looking for a book with a real-world design outlook. Dr. Peter Wilson is part of the Electronic Systems Design research group within the School of Electronics & Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. He worked for many years as a Senior Design Engineer in industry with Ferranti and as an EDA technical specialist with Analogy Inc. (Beaverton, Oregon). He is also a consultant for Integra Design Ltd in various aspects of embedded systems including design and modeling.
出版社: Newnes
发行时间: 2012年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
第1章 接地与布线
1.1 接地.
1.1.1 单元内部的接地
1.1.2 机壳地
1.1.3 铝的传导率
1.1.4 接地回路
1.1.5 电源回馈 (电源地)
1.1.6 输入信号接地
1.1.7 输出信号接地
1.1.8 板间接口信号
1.1.9 星-点接地
1.2 导线与电缆
1.2.1 导线类型
1.2.2 电缆类型
1.2.3 电力电缆
1.2.4 数据电缆和多芯电缆
1.2.5 rf电缆
.1.2.6 双绞线
1.2.7 串扰
1.3 传输线
1.3.1 特性阻抗
1.3.2 时域
1.3.3 频域
第2章 印制电路2100433B
1.高铁内的洗手间如果两个相邻的洗手间都有人并且锁住时, 红灯亮表示“有人”.如果两洗 手间都没有人或者只有一个有人时, 灯不亮表示可以使用. 下列电路图能实现上述功能的是 ( ) A. B. C. D. 难度: 0.60 真题: 1组卷: 342 查看解析下载 2.新型公交车后门左右扶杆上各装有一个相当于开关的按钮,当乘客按下任一个按钮时, 铃声响起,提醒司机有乘客下车.如图中符合要求的电路是( ) A . B . C . D . 难度: 0.60 真题: 1组卷: 384 查看解析下载 3.某学校的前、后两个门各装一个开关,传达室内有红、绿两盏灯和电池组,若前门来人 闭合开关时红灯亮,后门来人闭合开关时绿灯亮,图中的电路符合要求的是( ) A. B. C. D. 难度: 0.80 真题: 1组卷: 393 查看解析下载 4.为了提高行车的安全性,有的汽车装有日间行车灯,如图所示.当汽
《Protel 2004电路原理图及印刷电路板设计技术》以当前最新版本Protel2004为依据,详细介绍了电路原理图(SCH)设计技术和印刷电路扳(PCB)设计技术。电路原理图(SCH)设计技术主要包括以下内容:Prokl2004软件介绍、电路图编辑环境设置、电路原理图绘制及编辑技巧、层次原理图设计、电路元件的制作及电路原理图的后期处理。印制电路板(PCB)设计技术主要包括以下内容:印刷电路板设计基础知识、制作印刷电路板、制作PCB元件、生成印刷电路报表及电路仿真设计。
《Protel 2004电路原理图及印刷电路板设计技术》对从事电子线路印刷电路板制作工作的工程技术人员有很高的参考价值,也可供电气工程及自动化、自动控制、电工电子、机电一体化、计算机等相关专业的大专院校的学生参考使用。