书 名 | 电路分析基础(英文版) | 作 者 | 詹姆斯 W. 尼尔森, 苏姗 A. 里德尔 [1] |
译 者 | 张民 [1] | 出版社 | 电子工业出版社 |
出版时间 | 2012年08月01日 | ISBN | 9787121179198 |
chapter 1 circuit variables and circuit elements .
1.1 circuit analysis: an overview
1.2 voltage, current, and the basic circuit elements
1.3 the ideal basic circuit element
1.4 power and energy
1.5 voltage and current sources
1.6 electrical resistance (ohmos law)
1.7 kirchhoffos laws
1.8 analysis of a circuit containing dependent sources
chapter 2 some circuit simplification techniques
2.1 source transformations
2.2 superposition
chapter 3 techniques of circuit analysis
3.1 terminology
3.2 introduction to the node-voltage method
3.3 the node-voltage method and dependent sources
3.4 the node-voltage method: some special cases
3.5 introduction to the mesh-current method
3.6 the mesh-current method and dependent sources
3.7 the mesh-current method: some special cases
.3.8 the node-voltage method versus the mesh-current method
3.9 thvenin and norton equivalents
3.10 more on deriving a thvenin equivalent
3.11 maximum power transfer
chapter 4 the operational amplifier ..
4.1 operational amplifier terminals
4.2 terminal voltages and currents
4.3 the inverting-amplifier circuit
4.4 the summing-amplifier circuit
4.5 the noninverting-amplifier circuit
4.6 the difference-amplifier circuit
4.7 the comparator
chapter 5 the natural and step response of rl and rc circuits
5.1 the inductor
5.2 the capacitor
5.3 series-parallel combinations of inductance and capacitance
5.4 natural response of rl and rc circuits
5.5 step response of rl and rc circuits
5.6 the integrating amplifier
chapter 6 natural and step responses of rlc circuits
6.1 introduction to the natural response of a parallel rlc circuit
6.2 the forms of the natural response of a parallel rlc circuit
6.3 the step response of a parallel rlc circuit
6.4 the natural and step response of a series rlc circuit
chapter 7 sinusoidal steady-state analysis
7.1 the sinusoidal source
7.2 the sinusoidal response
7.3 the phasor
7.4 the passive circuit elements in the frequency domain
7.5 kirchhoffos laws in the frequency domain
7.6 circuit simplifications
7.7 the node-voltage method
7.8 the mesh-current method
7.9 instantaneous, average, and reactive power
7.10 the rms value and power calculations
7.11 complex power and power calculations
chapter 8 balanced three-phase circuits
8.1 balanced three-phase voltages
8.2 three-phase voltage sources
8.3 analysis of the wye-wye circuit
8.4 analysis of the wye-delta circuit
8.5 power calculations in balanced three-phase circuits
8.6 measuring average power in three-phase circuits
chapter 9 introduction to frequency selective circuits
9.1 some preliminaries
9.2 low-pass filters
9.3 high-pass filters
9.4 bandpass filters
9.5 bandreject filters
呵呵 电路分析基础包含了电工电子技术基础,电工电子技术基础是电路分析基础的子集。
第 1 页 共 17 页 电路分析的基础知识 【内容提要】 电路理论一门是研究由理想元件构成的电路模型分析方法的理 论。本章主要介绍: 1、电路的组成及电路分析的概念; 2、电路中常用的基本物理量; 3、电路的基本元件; 4、基尔霍夫定律; 5、简单电阻电路的分析方法 6、简单 RC电路的过渡过程 本章重点: 简单直流电路的分析方法。 第一节 电路的组成及电路分析的概念 一、电路及其作用 1、电路:电路是为了某种需要, 将各种电气元件和设备按一定的方式连接起来的电 流通路。 2、电路的作用: 电路的基本功能可分为两大类: ① 是实现对信号的传递和处理。话筒→放大器→喇叭。 ② 是实现能量的传输和转换。 发电机→升压变压器→导线→降压变压器→用电设备。 3、电路的组成: 显然,任何一个电路都离不开提供能量的电源(或信号源) 、消耗 能量的负载 (灯泡、喇叭)以及中间环节 (连接二者之间的各种
《电路分析基础》以教育部高等学校电子电气基础课程教学指导分委员会制定的《电路分析基础课程教学基本要求》为依据,以培养高素质、创新型电气、电子信息类高级应用型人才为培养目标,从电专业的人才培养和学生就业最需要的专业基础知识出发,重点强调“实践性” “应用性” 和“工程性”,结合现代电路分析基础的发展趋势和电类课程教学改革形势及实际需要编写而成。
2019年11月21日,该教材由机械工业出版社出版 。