This GreenSource guide offers comprehensive information on how to recycle as much as 95 percent of new construction and demolition waste, reuse existing materials,and comply with U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED waste management guidelines.Recycling Construction & Demolition Waste provides the strategies and tools you need to develop and implement a successful jobsite w...(展开全部) This GreenSource guide offers comprehensive information on how to recycle as much as 95 percent of new construction and demolition waste, reuse existing materials,and comply with U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED waste management guidelines.Recycling Construction & Demolition Waste provides the strategies and tools you need to develop and implement a successful jobsite waste management plan. This practical resource also covers other programs that promote sustainable construction,such as the International Code Council's ICC-ES program, the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) Green Building Program, the Green Building Initiative Green Globes Program, BREEAM, and more.
建筑垃圾的开发和利用 (1)建筑垃圾中砖、瓦经清理可重复使用,废砖、瓦、混凝土经建筑垃圾处理生产线破碎筛分分级、清洗后作为再生骨料配制低标号再生骨料混凝土,用于地基加固、道路工程垫层、室内地坪及地坪垫...
书名:拆建废料的回收利用 基于LEED的工具包
作者: Greg Winkler 责编:杨桦
I S B N:978-7-5603-4509-3 定价:78.00
出版日期:2014-6-1 开本:16
所属丛书: 页数:254
图书分类:C.建筑.市政与环境工程类 中图分类:X环境科学、安全科学
Chapter 1 Recycling Waste: The Fundamentals
The Reasons to Recycle
The Waste Management Streams
The Economic Case
All About LEED and Other Certifications
The Choice of Method
The Recycling Method
Buy Recycled Products
Chapter 2 Recycling Construction & Demolition Waste:
The Basic Tools
Basic Elements of Construction Waste Management
Types of Recycling and Reuse: The Rs
The Jobsite Recycling Center
Team Management
The Importance of Training
Transportation of Recycled Materials
Hazardous Materials
Automated Equipment
Chapter 3 Recycling New Construction Waste
Waste Assessment
Waste Assessment Rules of Thumb
Waste Types
Residential Construction Waste Management
Chapter 4 Recycling Demolition Waste
The Site Audit
The Market Audit
Demolition Recyclables
Hazardous Waste
Chapter 5 Reuse of Existing Materials
ABC: Asphalt, Brick, and Concrete Recycling
Structural Steel
Open-Web Joists and Miscellaneous Steel
Wood Framing and Heavy Timber
Architectural Woodwork
Plastics and Composites
Chapter 6 The Recycling Waste Management Plan
Chapter 7 Compliance Connection
Chapter 8 Other Green Certification and Code Programs
Chapter 9 Documenting Compliance
Chapter 10 Waste Management in the Construction Documents
Chapter 11 Marketing Construction Site Recycling
Chapter 12 Resources
Appendix A Government and Industry Links
Appendix B Glossary
This GreenSource guide offers comprehensive information on how to recycle as much as 95 percent of new construction and demolition waste, reuse existing materials,and comply with U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED waste management guidelines.Recycling Construction & Demolition Waste provides the strategies and tools you need to develop and implement a successful jobsite waste management plan. This practical resource also covers other programs that promote sustainable construction,such as the International Code Council's ICC-ES program, the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) Green Building Program, the Green Building Initiative Green Globes Program, BREEAM, and more.