Bosia interface agent is a new type of new water-soluble high polymer concretes contact surface finishing agent, and the outward appearance is the cream color liquid cement. Apply to indoor concrete, aerated concrete, masonry walls approved blows the putty plastering the dense basic level before treatment, apply to the paste before the wall tiles artificial basic level to "create roughness".
Have excellent permeability, can fully infiltrating the substrate surface, so that basic dense, enhances smooth interface attachment. its non-toxic, tasteless, green products.
Construction requirements and Attention
The level should be a solid surface, no floating ash and solid oil.
Bosia interface agent will be coated in the walls with roller brush afterdiluted with 20 percent to 30 percent of the water, coated 1-2 times.
Create roughness: Stirs the thick liquid with the cement and the Bosia interface agent contact surface medicinal preparation pappy, tools applied at the basic level on.
Construction of temperature in more than 5 ℃, unused plastic sealed attention.
This refuses with other brand adhesive mix use.
Usage and amount used
Bosia interface agent to be applied dry or agent, "created roughness" conservation dried or grant to start plastering or blows the putty , to join with 1:1 cement mortar cement mortar, the tiles in the back of his hand leveling compaction, mortar Top-down, and at any time with the formation of the inspection on foot.
When felt wall fabric and wallpaper, adding a small amount of water can be diluted if high viscosity .use Bosia interface agent to "create roughness" without water. Consumption: In theory, one kg of Bosia interface agent can be coated 10 square meters (for one time), the actual amount due to construction of a number of factors affect them.
Storage and transport
The goods stored in 5 ~ 40 ℃ cool ventilation, no insolate and suffer freeze, the durability period is 12 months. its noncombustible and non-toxic products, transport and storage according to "non-dangerous goods rules" .
1 论文范文 题目:界面剂处理挤塑板表面对粘结界面抗 拉强度的影响 编辑: 郭太宗 摘要:在光面、轧花、毛面挤塑板和混凝土基体采用不同的界面方式, 然后分别用聚合物砂浆、新型节能 123砂浆和 1:3 的普通水泥砂浆 粘贴挤塑板于混凝土基体。 测试挤塑板两粘结界面的抗拉强度, 分析 界面剂的增强机理,供粘贴挤塑板外墙保温工程提供参考。 关键词:界面挤 挤塑板界面剂 液体界面剂 混凝土界面剂 一.引言 通过涂刷界面剂用聚合物砂浆粘贴挤塑板材料的方法 (以下简称 “粘贴法”)做外墙保温已有较普遍的工程应用,包括粘聚苯板、岩 2 棉板等。其中粘贴挤塑板及聚苯板具有较好的可操作性, 因此本文仅 以挤塑板的粘贴为研究对象。 粘贴法固然是通过粘贴界面传递应力, 使外贴材料与原结构形成 整体,有效承载。通常情况下粘贴界面主要是通过拉伸剪切方式进行 应力传递,因此粘贴挤塑板做外墙保温工程的关键问题是粘
界面剂是什么 ?界面剂施工工艺介绍 界面剂对于没装修的朋友, 应该是第一次听过, 通过使用界面剂可以让表面变得更加粗糙, 也可以增加对于基层的粘结, 通常运用在建筑装修中, 界面剂施工方法与涂层处理施工差 不多,下面我们就来一起了解下界面剂是什么,以及界面剂施工工艺。 一、界面剂是什么 界面剂是一种胶粘剂,一般都是由醋酸乙烯 —乙烯制成。具有超强的粘接力,优良的耐水 性,耐老化性。用于处理混凝土、加气混凝土、灰砂砖及粉煤灰砖等表面,解决由于这些 表面吸水性强或光滑引起界面不易粘接,致使抹灰层空鼓、开裂、剥落等问题。是现代建 筑及装饰施工不可缺少的配套材料。二、界面剂的作用 界面剂能够增强对基层的粘结力,避免抹灰层空鼓、起壳的现象。可以想象下,我们铲掉 了老墙皮,那么这个墙面不可能像水洗过一样,那么干净,会有很多的粉尘、小颗粒,如 果不经过处理就直接进行下一道工序, 那么相当于在墙上埋了一个