Bentley Water


Bentley Water基本信息

软件名称 Bentley Water 软件语言 英文
软件授权 免费 释    义 水管网设计与管理解决方案


Bentley Water 提供对连接性/管网模型的支持,并且在放置和编辑设施数据时自动维护这些模型。Bentley Water 可进行破裂管道隔离跟踪和服务负荷计算。“假设分析”报告可用于确定诸如哪个服务帐户会受管网中特定更改影响此类问题。管道隔离跟踪和报告可标识需要关闭以隔离特定管道段的阀门,还报告受隔离影响的管道和服务连接。 Bentley Water 为共享设施数据(包括管网模型)提供功能强大而灵活的导入和导出功能。导出功能使您可以与外部分析程序(例如第三方水力分析和模拟包)建立关联,特别是 Bentley Haestad Methods 海思德给排水建模产品。Haestad Methods 海思德给排水建模解决方案是对 Bentley Water 资产管理功能的完美补充。

对 Oracle Spatial 的支持可为用户提供存储 Bentley Water 数据的灵活性。用户可以使用 Spatial 选项选择将数据存储在 Oracle Standard Edition 或 Oracle Enterprise Edition 中。这使用户可以仅通过一套存储机制即可管理所有给水设施数据。通过使用 Bentley® Geo Web Publisher™,由 Bentley Water 创建的数据可通过 Web 浏览器向需要多级数据访问权限的内部和外部机构发布。现场用户可以使用 Bentley PowerMap Field 在现场查看给水管网数据。

Bentley Water造价信息

市场价 信息价 询价
材料名称 规格/型号 市场价
行情 品牌 单位 税率 供应商 报价日期
水处理剂 Liquid water conditioner 浓缩洗衣水处理添加剂/60LTD 查看价格 查看价格


13% 重庆卡姆商贸有限公司
水压差传感器 Water0-6bar 查看价格 查看价格


13% 施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司广州分公司
水压差传感器 Water0-6bar 查看价格 查看价格


13% 施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司
霜花橡木地板 品种:实木地板;是否包含同色踢脚:否;系列:宾利Bentley;规格(mm):1288×186;厚度(mm):8;树种:橡木; 查看价格 查看价格


m2 13% 武汉梓翌尚居建筑装饰材料有限公司
伊洛瓦柚木地板 品种:实木地板;是否包含同色踢脚:否;系列:宾利Bentley;规格(mm):1288×186;厚度(mm):8;树种:柚木; 查看价格 查看价格


m2 13% 武汉梓翌尚居建筑装饰材料有限公司
水云间大理石 光泽度90%以上品名:水云间;厚度:18mm;产地:进口(意大利);表面处理:抛光面;英文品名:Water and Cloud; 查看价格 查看价格


13% 深圳市龙美达石业有限公司
纸底壁纸 品种:纸质壁纸;材质:纸基;中文名称:水彩世界;产地:美国;生产厂家:MayFlower;系列:美国MayFlower;英文名称:Water 查看价格 查看价格


m2 13% 格莱美壁纸昆明居然之家店
纸底壁纸 品种:纸质壁纸;材质:纸基;中文名称:水彩世界;产地:美国;生产厂家:MayFlower;系列:美国MayFlower;英文名称:Water 查看价格 查看价格


m2 13% 格莱美壁纸昆明居然之家店
材料名称 规格/型号 除税
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材料名称 规格/需求量 报价数 最新报价
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漏水检测器扩展组件 WATER SENSOR WITH CABLE|4个 1 查看价格 默克化工技术(上海)有限公司 广东   2021-06-18
水压差传感器 Water0-6bar|3842个 4 查看价格 施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司广州分公司 广东  广州市 2015-07-16
漏水检测器 WATER SENSOR FOR XL SYSTEMS|4个 1 查看价格 默克化工技术(上海)有限公司 广东   2021-06-18
水压差传感器 Water0-6bar|118个 4 查看价格 施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司 北京  北京市 2015-10-19
金属字英文字 "WATER CONSERVANCY PARK",130×105mm|20个 3 查看价格 东莞市南洋广告制作有限公司 广东   2020-09-22
漏水检测器 WATER SENSOR WITH CABLE 漏水检测器|1台 1 查看价格 默克密理博广州分公司    2016-06-17
翘板 1联 带”water heater”标识 20A 象牙色|7191个 1 查看价格 深圳市辉迅达实业有限公司 广东  深圳市 2015-11-27
翘板 1联 带”water heater”标识 20A 钛银色|6439个 1 查看价格 深圳市辉迅达实业有限公司 广东  深圳市 2015-06-15

Bentley Water常见问题

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Bentley Water文献

Bentley三维工厂软件在工程设计中的应用 Bentley三维工厂软件在工程设计中的应用



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Bentley Home,宾利家居,Bentley Home的皮料选用与宾利汽车同产地同等级的牛皮,以皮质细腻且无瘢痕的皮革再剔除破损及不对称的部位,确保每件宾利家局外表美观并经久耐用。

宾利家居所有产品均延续了宾利汽车的工艺要求。剪刀石头布家居帝幔意大利进口家具馆与Bentley Home携手,给国人带来奢华的家居生活体验。

water Dispenser to power as a driving force, if leakage occurred fountains, bad insulation, are extremely dangerous. First of all, when consumers buy products to look for the brand and electrical safety certification through the Commission of China among the many brands, models dispenser products can be summed up in nothing more than hot, hot ice, three types of hot ice, ice and sub-semiconductor heat engine and compressor cooling water dispenser refrigeration of two drinking fountains. Decided to buy the types of drinking fountains, mainly from drinking water and cooling rate of the number to consider. On the cooling speed, in the same period of time under refrigeration, refrigeration compressor with water much faster than the semiconductor cooling water dispenser, water supply and more than the latter. Therefore, the refrigeration compressor suitable for drinking water fountains in a large number of occasions, such as group, institutions, conference rooms, office space, offices, bars, karaoke halls OK. The small number of units, hotel rooms and the general families, to buy semiconductor refrigeration enough drinking fountains.

Price comparison

Feature selection

Consider buying from the functional use of water dispenser, which is important. If you do not like to use cold water dispenser modulation, and day-to-day is used only for tea and instant coffee, buy a hot water dispenser on the can, both functional and economic, if more young people, together with the South is located in tropical areas, the summer of heavy utilization,且又like cold, and should be the purchase of hot and cold water dispenser. In addition, there are three warm with ice machine, can be choose.


Spray dispenser surface should be smooth, uniform color, deep sound, there should be no cracks, scratches, defects such as foaming, the seams connecting symmetry.

Test water

After determining the appearance, the next step is after the water test, methods and steps are as follows:

First check the water dispenser cap, if there is no smart-seater that does not have the water system to prevent secondary pollution, such fountains should not buy. Into a solid block to smart, demolition should be smooth. Block and the Smart Guides to strong thread binding; if loose, can not be tightened on Block I. threaded column and clever combination of bad, for future use, guide column or break off the roots easily. Bottled water into the tank (usually water 2-3 times), the do not press the tap, tap water should not be the phenomenon (the normal water seal); observation bucket water level, if water levels are falling sharply, and that there is water leakage machine (rubber to take over first extrusion to produce leakage), not to buy; press the tap by hand (1.5-2 seconds after cooling, after heating of about 2-2.5 seconds), tap water should be out of the water flow on the normal function of drinking water. If there is no water or water slowly, and that water blockage or abnormality of this machine.

Check the electrical performance

Water, access to power, rather than pressing the refrigeration, heating power switch several times, switching contacts should be good, then the corresponding indicator light shows that the normal drinking fountains circuit. Press the refrigeration switch, with his hands near the back air, and exhaust flu did not hear any noise in the weak noise, fan is operating normally. Electricity after two hours, press the cooling water, cold water outflow due. Such as semiconductor refrigeration, to enable the water temperature 5-15 ℃, refrigeration compressor to enable the water temperature 4-12 ℃. Press the heating switch, heating 15-20 seconds, the water temperature should reach 92-96 ℃. During the heating indicator light will automatically Qiliang, extinguished. Drinking fountains with disinfectant function, press the disinfect button and the time after disinfection should be able to automatically turn off power indicator goes out. Check the power cord insulation layer should be no damage, the use of sufficient capacity and a dedicated power cord plug.

After-sales service

May request in advance to buy the warranty card, read carefully, if there is no warranty card, it is best not to buy. In addition, it is best to buy local manufacturers warranty fountains sector. Some manufacturers (vendors) also provides cleaning and disinfection services, consumers should be considered.

water Dispenser :饮水机是将桶装纯净水(或矿泉水)升温或降温并方便人们饮用的装置。



致力于为可持续性基础设施提供综合软件解决方案的全球企业Bentley软件公司,日前在北京举办了CONNECTION大会,吸引了来自全国的近500位基础设施专业人士参加。会上,Bentley隆重介绍了综合项目交付的通用环境——CONNECT Edition,其中包括通用建模环境、通用绩效环境和通用数据环境。


■ 伊迪

链接:Bentley:奔特力工程软件有限公司1984年创立于美国宾州,是一顶尖的技术提供者,致力于改进建筑、道路、制造设施、公共设施和通讯网路等永久资产的创造与运作过程。包括建筑师、工程师、营建商、资产所有人或营运商 在内的专业人士,都可以从奔特力的技术中获益。而奔特力工程软件所研发的MicroStationV8、TriForma、Project Wise等软体与完善的服务,更让奔特力工程软件成为E/C/O市场(即工程、营建业和营运业)首屈一指的技术提供者。

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