中文名称 | PVA350 | 驱动机构 | 滚珠丝杠驱动 |
重复精度 | 0.025 mm | 分辨率 | 0.005 mm |
系统重量 | 136KG | 架构负载 | 11.5公斤 |
Research on Low Pressure Casting Process for Automotive Aluminum Alloy Control Arm DU De-xi, YU Ning (Dicastal Stock Co.,Ltd., Qinhuangdao 066011, China) Abstract: After analyzing and designing the casting system and mold structure, it was focusedon low pressurecasting simulation re? searchfor control arm, and processparameterswere groped. The resultsshow that low pressurecasting aluminum control
■产品功能及特色 ·锁体尺寸:长285x宽49x高29(mm) ·承受拉力:350kg(800Lbs) ·输入电压:12V或24V