书 名 | 21世纪中国新建筑记录(英文版) | 作 者 | Wang,Mingxian |
出版社 | 中国建筑工业出版社 | ISBN | 9787112202768 |
A Reinterpretation of Chinese Space
Chapter I
Contemporary Works of Young and Mid-Career
Chinese Architects
I. Young and Mid-Career Local Architects'
Xiangshan Campus of China Academy of Art,
Zhejiang Province, China
Mrgadava Museum of Stone Sculpture,
Feng Jicai Research Institute of Literature & Art,
Tianjin University, Tianjin
The Qingshui Chamber the Backyard Garden of
Qingshui Chamber, Beijing
Xiayu Kindergarten, Shanghai
Chongqing Jiangbeizui Investment Building,
Apple Elementary School of A'li, Tibet
Atelier 100S 1 Songzhuang Studio, Beijing
Block C of the College of Architecture and Urban
Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai
II. Architectural Practice of Overseas Returnees
Villa Shizilin, BeUing
Concrete Slit House, Jiangsu
Urban Tulou, Guangzhou
Longshan Church, Beijing
Ordos Museum, Inner Mongolia
O~T Design Museum, Shenzhen
Yaluntzangpu Boat Terminal, Tibet
Father's House in Jade Mountain, Shaanxi
National Accounting Institute, Beijing
Bridge School, Fujian
A B Villa of the Lushi Mountain Villa, Beijing
Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing
Iberia Centre for Contemporary Art, Beijing
Gaoligong Museum of Handcraft Paper,
GehuaYouth and Cultural Center, Hebei
Chapter II
New Visions, New Answers
I. Designs by Architectural Design Institutes in the
New Century
Yinxu Museum in Anyang, Henan
Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar, Erdaoqiao,
Urumqi, Xinjiang
New Exhibition Halt at the Nanjing Massacre
Memorial Hall, Jiangsu
Li Shutong Memorial Hall, Zhejiang
Architectural Studio at the Qiaozi Art Commune,
The Xun Club, Beijing
Xingtao Demonstration & Reception Center,
Wangjing Science and Technology Park Phase II,
The Shan.qhai S'ynchrotron Radiation Facility;, Shanghai
ll.The Creative Process at Architectural Schools
Central Academy of Fine Arts New Campus,
Burial Pit Gallery, Tomb of Emperor Jing, Hanyang
Mausoleum, Shaanxi
Zhou Chunya Art Studio, Shanghai
Ruyuan, Jiangsu
Mr. Huashan Visitors Center, Shaanxi
Changxing Radio & TV Station, Zhejiang
Law School and School of Architecture Cluster,
Hunan University, Hunan
Chapter III
The Work of Foreign Architects and Studios in China
New CCTV Headquarters, Beijing
National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing
Terminal 3, Beiing Capital International Airport, BeUing
Shanghai World Financial Center
National Museum of China, BeUing
New Premises of the National Library of China,
Guangzhou Opera House
New Premises of the Suzhou Museum (I.M Pei)
CAFA Art Museum, Beijing
Liangzhu Museum, Hangzhou
Vanke Center, Shenzhen
Jianwai SOHO, BeUing
Sino-ltalian Ecological & Energy Efficient Building,
Tsinghua University, BeUing
The Opposite House Hotel, Beijin.q
Chapter IV
Architectural Design for the Beijing Olympics and
the Shanghai World Expo
l. Grandeur of Olympic Architecture
The National Stadium (the "Bird's Nest"), BeUing
National Aquatics Center, Beiing
Digital Beijing Building
BeUing Shooting Range Hall
Siheyuan, Beijing
II. "Better City, Better Life"
The China Pavilion
The Expo Boulevard
Theme Pavilion
Expo Centre, Shanghai
Shanghai World Expo Cultural Center
Vanke Pavilion, Shanghai
Ningbo Tengtou Pavilion
Shanghai Corporate Pavilion
U.K. Pavilion
Spain Pavilion
Chapter V
Architectural Clusters and Architecture Exhibitions
l.Group Architectural Design Activities in China
Commune by the Great Wall, BeUing
Jinhua Architecture Park, Zhejiang
China International Practical Exhibition of
Architecture, diangsu
Jianchuan Museum Cluster in Anren, Sichuan
Xixi Wetland Art Village, Zhejiang
Mandarin Palace (Jiujiantang), Shanghai
II. Architecture Exhibitions with Diverse Themes
"The Crossroad" Ohengdu Environmental Art
Exhibition, Siohuan
"Urban Creation" 2002 Shanghai Biennale
Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of
Urbanism and Architecture
5th Chengdu Biennale, Sichuan
China Pavilion at the Venice Architecture
Biennale, Italy
Chapter Vl
Old Building Redevelopment, Urban Renewal and
Post-Disaster Reconstruction
I. Old Building Redevelopment and Urban Renewal
Beijing 798 Art Zone and 751D Park Fashion
Design Plaza
Building 1, Today Art Museum, Beijing
Siheyuan Renovation in Shatan South Lane,
Hutong Bubble, BeUing
Xintiandi Redevelopment, Shanghai
1933 Old Millfun Protective Treatment Project,
Tianzifang, Shanghai
Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai
Bridge 8 Creative Center, Shanghai
Aho Neighborhood Redevelopment Project in the
Inner City Area of Kashgar, Xinjiang
II. 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Post-Disaster Reconstruction
Beichuan Earthquake Memorial, Sichuan
Hu Huishan Memorial, Sichuan
Collaborative Construction, Sichuan
Beichuan Cultural Center, Sichuan
About the Author 2100433B
《21世纪中国新建筑记录》 focuses on the 21st century Chinese architecture,including exploration of young arcnitects and the contemporary desigms of architectural institutes and CoIIeges,Foreign architectural practices in China,the construction of structures for the 0lympics and the Expo.architectural clusters and architecturaI exhibitions.old building redevelopment,urban renewal,and post-disaster reconstruct on.Indeed.if we were to review the architecturaI history since 2000,an explorationof a deep-seated structure underlying various architecturaI phenomena by applying Foucault's method of“archeology”and“genealogy”would be preferable.but the work before us is a record of contemporary Chinese architectural phenomena;we should not jump to conclusions about the underlying structure,but try our best to contribute to the“archeology”of architectural knowledge.Of course,an architecturaI record of our collective memory also has an academic and historical value.
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