the principle of simplifie d EIA of constructi on proje cts in t he region. In terms of land, linke d to the implementati on of urba n and rural constructi on la nd i ncrea se and de crease, repla cement i ndi cators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, i nto the projects of water, ele ctricity, admini strative charges nd prefere ntial policie s. In t he area of taxation, and settled i n areas of
周口市国家储备林基地建设项目(一 期)PPP项目合同 甲方(实施机构): 乙方(社会资本方): 中国 .河南 .周口 年 月 日 目 录 第一章 总则 ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 定义与解释 ...................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 协议背景和目的 ....................................................