某钻孔灌注钢立柱桩制作安装施工方案——本工程围护支撑垂直受力结构设计采用钻孔灌注桩结合钢立柱的方案,钻孔灌注柱桩径800mm,钢筋笼为Φ700mm,钢立柱为470mm×470mm见方,长度为8.6M。 立柱桩详细情况表
yuan, a n increase of 17.5%; l ocal gover nment ge neral budget revenue of 500 milli on Yuan, ... Pai nting, model culture creates new Ma Chur ch communit y, creati ng Lake sce nic spot culture e ducation base, receive d hig h evaluati on from provi nci al and muni cipal discipli ne Inspe ction Commission, the people's daily special re port. Constantly pr omote inde pendent Commissi on agai nst co