1 联想公司简介 联想集团成立于 1984年,是一家以研究、开发、生产和销售自有品牌的计算机系统及其相关产品为主,在信息产业领域内 多元化发展的大型企业。联想集团于 1994年在香港联合交易所挂牌上市,联想集团有限公司(编号 992)的市值达到约 900 亿 港币左右,位居香港股市十大上市公司之列。 联想集团有限公司包括两大子公司: 联想电脑公司、 联想神州数码有限公司。 Lenovo Group was established in 1984, is a research, development, production and sale of own-brand computer systems and related products, diversified development in the information industry, large enterprises.
建筑施工机械设备英文简介 Glossary for Construction Machinery Bulldozer 推土机 Bulldozer is a heavy driver operated machine used for grading and clearing lands. It is fitted with dozer blade and is usually mounted on tracks. Crawlers 履带 Crawler is a track on which vehicles are mounted. Crawler helps the vehicle to operate in tough geographical condition. Conveyor Belt 输送带 Conveyor belts are the belts that ar