is one of the pra ctical form of values. The so-call ed value s refers to the obje ctive thi ngs are of no value a nd the value of fundame ntal perspective. Different values, people's behavi our, attitude s, ways are different. People -oriented focus on human val ue and reality, w e nee d the br oade st masses as values. Adhere to people-oriente d value s, is to make the e conomy more development,
Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere