线路立交雨水提升泵站设 计 摘要:本文结合铁路专用线工程项目, 对线路立交雨水提升泵站 的集水池大小、泵站埋深等立交桥雨水提升泵站相关参数的设计进行 总结,给出铁路穿铁路立交雨水提升泵站设计中主要影响因子。 关键词: 线路立交雨水提升泵站 汇水面积 集水池 The designing of pumping station in the Line overpassing rainwater Abstract:Combined with the project of special railway line, this artiche summarizes the relevant parameters such as the size of the collecting pool and the depth of pumping station then gives the main