Installation Instructions Outer-wall system structure 一、 Pre-treatments ① Before unpacked, Pls pay attention to the description, rates, specifications, working sizes and colour code of the products marked on the package. Sorting the products by the same marks. Make sure not to mix around when processing. ② To coat the grout its thickness 3-5mm equally in the basic layer of the wall and smoot
银河搜候中心工程 【地砖、墙砖铺贴施工方案】 2012年 7月 中建一局集团建设发展有限公司 银 河 搜 候 中 心 项 目 经 理 部 目 录 1.编制依据 ............................................................. 3 2.工程概况 ............................................................. 3 3.施工准备 ............................................................. 3 4.施工工艺 ............................................................. 4 6.成品保护措施 .............................