yuan, a n increase of 17.5%; l ocal governme nt general budget revenue of 500 milli on Yuan, ... Pai nting , model cult ure create s new Ma Church communit y, creati ng Lake sce nic spot cult ure educati on base, re ceived high eval uation from provi ncial a nd m uni cipal discipli ne Inspection Commissi on, the people's daily spe cial report. Consta ntly prom ote indepe nde nt Commission against
Delegates, staff: Hell o! in the r un-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we held one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013 -workshop, full back i n 2012, careful analy sis of the curr ent sit uation, discuss 2013 development pl ans. Here, on behalf of my com pany 2013 w ork reports to the Ge neral Assembly, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 ba ck in 2012, XX pow er companie s adhere to