特种陶瓷的凝胶注模成型技术的研究现状及应用 xxx 摘要:本文对特种陶瓷凝胶注模成型技术的研究与进展情况进行综述。阐述成 型原理和工艺过程; 并介绍该技术应用研究情况; 探讨特种陶瓷凝胶注模成型技 术存在的问题和研究发展方向。 关键词:凝胶注模;成型技术 ;凝胶体系 ;应用 Recent Research and Applications of Gelcasting in Special Ceramics Abstract: The research and development of gelcasting techniques in special ceramics are reviewed. The principles and processes of this forming technology are discussed and applications are com
读书报告 课程名称: 姓 名: 班 级: 指导教师: 聚合物成型概述 摘要:主要介绍聚合物材料的几种主要的成型加工方法及其工艺特点、设备、使用材料、制品特点和其发展前景。 关键词:聚合物 成型 工艺过程 设备 材料 典型制品 A Summary of Polymer Molding Abstract: This article mainly focused on the molding process,the characteristic of their technics,equipments,materials,products and their growth prospects of several kinds of polymers ’molding. Key words:Polymers Molding Molding process Equipments Material
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