广州斯派克环境仪器有限公司 LPT高低温低气压试验箱 型号 LPT0470W LPT0770W LPT1070W LPT2470W 标称内容积(升) 360 720 1000 2370 性能 温度范围 -65℃~ +150℃ 温度波动度 ±0.5 ℃(常压) 温度偏差 ±2.0 ℃(常压) 升温时间 ≤60 分钟( +20℃ → +150℃、常压、空载) 降温时间※ 2 ≤45min( 常压 ) ≤60min(常压 ) ≤90min( 常压 ) 压力范围 常压~ 0.5kPa 压力控制误差 ±0.1kPa( ≤2kPa时 ),± 5%(2kPa~40kPa时),± 2kPa(≥40kPa时) 降压时间 ≤20min ≤25min ≤30min ≤45min 内部尺寸( mm) W 600 800 1000 1300 H 750 900 1000 1300 D 800 100
living standards, poor farmers in less t han complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. "Five waters rule": the County inve sted 2.169 bi llion yuan, similar counties line the city's first complete t he 42 km of sewage pipe netw ork construction, completi on rate ranked first in the city, wo n the pr ovincial rural sewage treatment w ork better; key polluti on sour ces such as ele ctroplati n
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