There are more than twenty halls in front of cave in Mogao Grottoes,such as caves No.130,108,100,98,96,95,85,76,74,72,61,55,467,53,46,45,44,39,38,35,30-27,33-21,Most of caves have its own eaves building.The two kinds of architecture are both timber construction.After carefully research,we find that these special architecture were built during early Tang dynasty at the first time,developed in Middle Tang,and very popular during the period of Gui-Yi-Jun,and still continued in the West Xia and Yuan Dynasty.In this paper,the author specially discusses the two halls in front of caves No.130 and No.96.
框架结构工程定额套价顺序 以框架结构为例: 1. 土方:场地平整、挖土(人工、挖掘机)、土方运输(原地、运输)、土方回填 (挖土、运输、回填)。桩基础,以振动灌注桩为例:打桩 (注意空打部分)、桩尖 埋设、钢筋笼、凿桩头。 2. 垫层:垫层、防水。基础、结构:梁、板、柱(是否有弧形、起坡等)。这部分 主体结构应该没有问题。 3. 砌筑工程:什么砖,砂浆类型,一砖还是半砖还是一砖以上。有的地方在地下室 符合某种条件还加照明费,注意有的基础下面有砖胎膜。 4. 混凝土工程:一般按照体积计算,楼梯、阳台按投影面积(直形、弧形)。有的 地区室板算到梁边, 有的地区是梁并入板计算。 柱子算层高。应该要注意的是过梁、 构造柱(马牙槎),窗台板,装饰线条、阳台露台反梁、压顶等小型构件、楼梯算 的边界要注意, 基本上都是按照平方计算的。 模板:垫层、基础、基础梁、梁、板、 柱、过梁、构造柱、小型构件、楼梯